Adding a second Hard Drive

Is it possible to plug in a second hard drive into my pc and install more roms in lakka? if so, how? is it just plug and play?

Yes, it will be detected and mounted automatically in roms directory.

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I was looking for this. So if I read correctly. When I install lakka on ssd I can add an extra internal hdd and put the roms there.

And I can put the roms there with the use of Windows and samba. In the roms dir? The default one

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Short answer: Yup.

My Gigabyte Brix unit is like this. Lakka is on the M.2 SSD, ROMs are on a 1 TB internal HDD.

Wow great news. Thanks

Interesting, is there a specific format the drive needs to be in? I have 3 additional drives in my setup for a total of 4.5TB of storage, however, the drives don’t seem to be recognized. At least, that’s what I think, now that I think about it there is an additional folder that has a drive name on it, but only 1.


I tried it with a hdd and that one was formatted in ntfs and worked so great.

This is why I love lakka

Edit To bad the pc I used it in does not work so well and can’t even run psx. With a way faster cpu. Haha o well

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To access your games on the Lakka file system:

I used FAT32 formatter for my drives (up to 2 TB on Win10).