Android psx change cd?

Am I missing something or is there no way to change CD for multi CD games such as final fantasy ix?

I gotta say on a nexus 7 in portrait mode these old games look sweet, and you still have room for virtual controls, no way I could have ever imagined this when first playing the games :wink:

Great job guys!

Itā€™s going to be put in.

Doesnā€™t FF9 ask you to save first before asking you to switch discs? That way youā€™re safe playing it for now. I know that FF7 and FF8 ask you to save first on the memory card before you have to switch disks.

FF9 asks you to save before switching, ye. You could rename the .srm save file to match the name of the new disk inbetween.

This will become an issue for games like MGS though, which donā€™t allow you to save before swapping (I always disliked that, even on the real hardware), so we need some solution there that isnā€™t too convoluted.

To be honest I tested by starting with cd3, just to seeā€¦

Iā€™m playing through from the start but I donā€™t doubt that if its on the way itā€™ll land before I actually need it, I just thought Iā€™d missed something obvious.

Iā€™m inspired to root out some junk and see if I can hack together a joystick dockā€¦ I wonder if you can charge through otg USB connected to a powered hubā€¦ Hmmmā€¦ I wonderā€¦

I assume this is also an issue with PC?

Iā€™m trying to build another emulator box as an appliance. (So easy, my wife could do it. Little to no user technical knowledge required for operation)

If say, I wanted to set up XBMC to play PSX games via RetroArch and advanced launcher, thereā€™s no real way to switch discs without requiring the user to break out the mouse/keyboard and get their hands dirty with switching file names, right?

Maister mentions MGS. I grew up a Nintendo kid, and had honestly moved on to primarily PC gaming by the time Playstation came out, so I donā€™t know how MGS plays. Is that game essentially impossible to complete with the RetroArch Mednafen core?

So my emulator box will basically be limited to single-CD only Playstation games if I want it to be 100% hassle-free for users who have no real computer skills, right?

Yes, we need some way to change CDs. Itā€™s slightly complicated to do without a full point-and-click GUI, but I know Mednafen can do it. IIRC, itā€™s based on a .m3u ā€œplaylistā€ of ISOs, and some hotkeys to swap.

Getting this implemented is more likely if someone posts a memory card of Metal Gear (NTSC) near CD swap location, just saying ā€¦

may I suggest rather than a playlist (which sounds like a thundering pita!) and ā€œmagicā€ key just add a simple button on the states menu that opens a file dialog like the rom selector.

games should happily detect the wrong cd as in the ā€œrealā€ world

I just lost a bunch of save states which I forgot to back up when going to cyanogen mod (had to wipe emulated SD which is part of user data - useful! - not) but I could play through the first part of final fantasy 7 again if you like?

This enforces full GUI logic inside a libretro frontend which is not allowed to happen. A libretro interface should make it possible to do it GUI-centric, sure, but the general solution cannot require a GUI. That would be horrible. :frowning:

Iā€™d prefer MGS as FF VII doesnā€™t work well on Mednafen yet, IIRC. Solution has to work for both Mednafen and PCSX-reARMed (or any similar emulator).

Yeah, a savestate/memory card save of MGS1 is needed here right before the ā€˜Insert Disc 2ā€™ message happens - you can save just after you have defeated Sniper Wolf IIRC.

A savestate of FF7 at the end of Disc 1 is less useful because that game does not REQUIRE multi-disc game support from even working - since you can just rename the current memory card save file to the same name as the disc 2 ISO file (so say - ff7-disc2.bin/ff7-disc2.cue, you would rename the disc 1 Memory card save file then to ff7-disc2.srm) and just load disc 2 ISO and play with that memory card instead.

With MGS1 disc changing support HAS to be available because you canā€™t continue otherwise.

Can .cue files be used to point to multiple .bins? Or concatenate multiple discs into a single .bin with the .cue pointing to each starting point? I guess the latter might require a full remastering of the discā€¦

Is there a possibility that this feature (changing discs) will be implemented in nearest future? Really need itā€¦

I can post the save state of Heart of Darkness game at switch disc location (this game works well with the emulator)

Sure, go ahead and post it.

I have a FFVII save at the switch disc location, I know you said itā€™s not as helpful but I can post it if yall need it.

In case anyone else tried this and got the same results as me, mine would NOT work upon only renaming the .srm file but did start to work after I renamed the .rtc file as well (for final fantasy 7 in my case).

so just to be super explicit for anyone reading this in the future, copy files that are like: FF7_disc1.srm FF7_disc1.rtc and rename them to names like: FF7_disc2.srm FF7_disc2.rtc

(dunno what rtc file is but it was only upon renaming this that the save data started showing up in the load save data interface, if anyone who knows more about this can post what the file is/does thatā€™d obviously be helpful)

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Heart of Darkness disc 1 save

In case you still need it, here are my memory cards for Metal Gear Solid (NTSC) right before the disk change:

Thanks for the added possibility. Took me some time to get it but now disks can be changed.

Great work!

For ff7 disc change in lamens terms this is what I had to do.

  1. Plug phone into computer and select disk drive to access memory card. (Or pull memory card out of phone and plug it in to comp)
  2. After I downloaded the 2nd disc I had to copy the main file from ff7 disc one and paste it in the disc 2 folder, then rename it to disc 2.

There were several files to chose from but the one that actually worked was the .bin file. I started off trying each save state and the .srm and the .rtc files but none of them would load.

  1. Load the disc 2 and load the save state from the .bin that you renamed. It should work

BTW, this retroarch app is about the coolest app for a phone in the history of apps. Iā€™m an old school gamers and to be able to play all my favorite games from when I was a kid has brought a joy into my life that was long forgotten. Well done!

hey thereā€¦ im on ff8 on my iPadā€¦ so i saved at the ending of disc 1ā€¦ and i cant figure out out how to load disc 2ā€¦ i changes the .state from disc 1 to disc 2 but i cant load the gameā€¦ any suggestion? i dont see anywhere the files you guys r talking bout the .rtc o the .srmā€¦ i have saved normally through the game and exiting retroarch clenaly so it would save my progressā€¦ but now i dont know what to do