How to set 1360*768 resolution?


I’m using Lakka 2.0 RC6 (I don’t use 2.1.1 version because it shows console code lines in the menu and during loading rom process) in an Orange Pi Plus 2e.

I can’t set 1360*768 resolution in HDMI. I’ve edit script.bin archive and only can set 720p resolution using the line screen0_output_mode = 5.

I’ve try to set screen0_output_mode = EDID:5 to autodetect screen resolution but in that case the OPI doesn’t shows image.

Lakka 2.1.1 detect automatic the resolution and sets to 1360*768.

Where I can detect automatic the screen resolution in lakka 2.0? Or where I can’t disabled the lines of code that 2.1.1 shows?
