PCX ReArmed Missing Important Features like Renderer

I recently downloaded PCX ReArmed. I was watching a youtube guide with how to get the most out of the graphics enhancements. For some reason I don’t have a Renderer under options. I also can’t select. I also can’t set the internal resolution, Set PGXP operation mode to memory + CP, and all kinds of other features. Can anyone help me figure out why I’m missing so much?

Those features aren’t in PCSX-ReARMed. They’re in Beetle-PSX-HW.

Thanks for the reply. However those are supposed to be in PCSX-Rearmed. I’m following this youtube guide and he has all of those features. I’m trying to set it up like he did.

On a side not I downloaded Beetle and it only had “software” as a renderer and it did not have vulcan like I want to use.

lol okay. Believe whoever you want.

Beetle-PSX-HW has the hardware renderers (hence the ‘HW’ at the end of the name). The non-HW build is software-rendered only.

If you check in that video you shared the bottom left corner of the screen, it tells you the loaded core. Austin is using the Beetle PSX HW one.

Oh wow. I’m sorry. His video is so long I skiped around and he spent a minute showing ReArmed and I thought that is what he was using. You are both right. It is the Beetle one. Thanks for the info on the difference in Beetle ones too. I’ll be downloading that HW one. Many thanks! I can’t wait to see how the enhancements look with Mickey Mania!


I have finally gotten around to trying to input the settings that the video recommended. I can set everything that it said except my Bettle PSX HW does not have OpenGL or Vulcan as an option for renderer. It only has Software and Hardware. Can anyone think of why I’m missing those?

Bumping the post for help.

That video is old. The vulkan/ogl option has been merged into a single ‘hardware’ option and it will use whichever video driver you have active.

Oh cool! Thanks for the info. It does look great with the hardware option. I was just making sure I was getting the most out of it!

I’ve got a platformer called Epic Mickey that when I use Beetle the ground disappears. It doesn’t do that in PCX rearmed. I’m assuming it’s just an incompatibility with Beetle, but can you think of something I could check box or try to get it working in Beetle?

The hardware renderers have some bugs. If you encounter them, the best thing to do is just switch to the software renderer for that game.

Thanks again! I appreciate the help.