Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive Android fba core show "no-item"

Hi there May i ask This game: Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive

Retroarch android Fba core still not yet support it? Because with mame core it runs fine. With fba core Its Nothing/No-item…

Mame core slow down sometimes With Fba core i will able to get Full speed

Fba romset there seems No Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive rom!

The heck raiden 1 and 2 both runs fine under Fba core already How can this raiden fighter unable to run?! they all from same series… Thank you

If it’s not in the ROMset, it’s not supported by the emulator.

Even if a game is in the same series doesn’t mean it uses the same hardware, which is what actually matters in this case. FAKEDIT: yeah, looks like they’re based on different platforms.

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“Super Mario Kart” and “Mario Kart 8” are also from the same series, your point ?