Some saves (not savestates) work, others don't?

I’ve been having this issue where some of my game saves work, but others just won’t load. They’re in the saves folder, but the game won’t recognize them.

For example, in PCSX ReArmed, A Bug’s Life saves and loads just like it should, but in a game like Croc 2, it has me make a save file, tells me it saved the game, but when I close the content and go back to it, it says “There are no Croc 2 saves on Memory Card”. Same thing with WWF Warzone, it says the Memory Cards are damaged.

With the Higan SNES emulator, Vegas Stakes saves and loads as it should, but Super Mario All-Stars just won’t save for some reason. I can’t recall but I remember it saving before and I was able to go back and load it, but after some time it would be gone again.

Like I said, these .srm files are there in the saves folder, some just won’t work and I can’t find any answers about it. Thank you to anyone that can help.

I’m using RetroArch 1.7.3 on Windows 10.

Any chance you’re not exiting properly? That is, the srm files are typically created at launch but the actual saves don’t get pushed out to the file unless/until you exit “cleanly” (usually through the ‘quit retroarch’ option in the menu).

I tried exiting both ways, by closing the content and quitting RetroArch. Just to test it out, I just went into Croc 2, selected New Game, made a save and it said it saved. I quit RetroArch, went back in and ran Croc 2, I got the same message saying there were no Croc 2 saves on the memory card.

I don’t mean to double post but can anyone help me? I have no idea why it’s not working and it’s frustrating. I installed the newest version of RetroArch, when I play a game and try to save it, it creates an .srm file, I’ve tried exiting out of RetroArch cleanly but it still won’t let me load my saves, I don’t know what else to do. Like I said in my first post, some games work, but others won’t and I can’t figure out why? I’m using the PCSX-ReArmed core for PS1 and the higan accuracy core for SNES. Vegas Stakes for SNES will save and I’m able to load the game, Super Mario All Stars will save and create an .srm file but I’m unable to load the game, I’m always met with empy file slots in game. On PS1, A Bug’s Life saves and loads just fine, but Croc 2 just will not load at all, it tells me there are no saves on the memory card, there’s a Croc 2 .srm file in the saves folder, but the game insists that there are no saves.

Again, I appreciate any help I can get, this is so frustrating lol

Can you try going to settings > saving and enable an SRAM Autosave Interval? Set it to something small like 10 seconds. Then, see if that works any better for you with saving.

Also, unrelated, but PCSX-ReARMed usually isn’t the best core for x86/64 systems. It’s only really good on ARM hardware.

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I’ve tried doing that and it still didn’t work.

Thank you so much for your help on this though. I appreciate you taking the time to help, I think it’s something with the PCSX-ReArmed, Beetle PSX saved just fine and I was able to save Super Mario All Stars on the higan core as well so the problems are solved. Thank you again!

Got the Same Problam when I used Save State on Reicast using Shenmue

Here is the Log with the Crash happening: