Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver (1118/1817) Not Configured

Hi, this looks like it’s an ongoing issue from what I can find on the forums, admiringly there are only a few mentions and possibly not just on Android.

Basically, in every version past 1.3.4, I can’t setup or even configure the wireless Xbox 360 controller. When I connect it.

Looking at the difference between build 1.3.4 and 1.3.6+ there is a difference in the auto-config files 1.3.4.has 3 and 1.3.6+ has only 1, and the format is different

In the past upgradeing from 1.3.4 to 1.3.6 worked but I tried 1.4.0 and im back to square one

Ok ive got it

I set the autoconfig profile directoey to my retroarch/autoconfig folder on the SD card and put on the config i found here New gamepad autoconf process .

There may be still some oddities but im checking

I have loaded this config file but when I launch RetroArch I cannot navigate the menus at all. I can move around the menus but the experience is terrible as the cursor seems to jump all over the place. Did you have to make any other changes other than loading this config file to your system?

can this run on internal memory? I have place numerous .cfg file for autoconfig folder but it is still not picking up my xbox360 or keyboard any suggestions can some take screen shot of post thir config files this is on a android unit i have retroarch 1.40

HI and firstly sorry for the slow response. I haven’t been through here in a few days, and for some reason, notifcations are off for replies.

In response to your question aside from moving my auto config folder to external storage and running the online updater to pull everything down I did remove the other config file that references Xbox wireless as its empty

(see apologies above) It can run from where ever you have the rights to create files , You need you go into the retroarch config and move the auto config directory