Another Dynamic Wallpaper Pack for Retroarch WIP

Hello, i want to share a wallpaper pack with you guys.

in some cases i used pictures from european consoles and logos because i like them alot. But i putted in US Variants in “Alternative Wallpaper” Folder as well.

Dont mind the German Language. Its just the setting in Retroarch, everything will be in your language! For Menu-Wallpapers (Main, Settings, Favorites …) you have to set the laguage to english in Retroarch, or you must rename the png-files according to your language. F.e.: with german language: just rename “Settings.png” to “Einstellungen.png” and so on…

Look In-Menu:

Look In-Game:

i included a “blank” template for the people who want to extend the pack with own cores/systems.

Link to the download:

The Pack is based on the work of Kdeizy (Link:

for help with setting up wallpapers: RetroArch Dynamic Backgrounds - Make the UI Look Amazing - YouTube


looks great man. thanks for sharing!

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Very beautiful! I’ll give it a whirl later. Thank you for your effort!

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i just added Atari Lynx and Jaguar

Thank you so much for sharing your work, it looks great!!

If you have time for this, could you add a few more?

I would love to add:

Amstrad - CPC Atari - 5200 Coleco - ColecoVision DOS Nintendo - Nintendo DS Sinclair - ZX Spectrum

And if you could do some menu backgrounds too, like

Main Menu Settings Favorites History Explore

Again, thank you for your work!

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Hi thank you for the kind words.

i allready tried making wallpaper for things like history, settings, favorites… but i can not find a way to display them. so i did made a generic background (Background.png), if you set this as a background you get a wallpaper for the non-core-lists. But let me know if you had more infos on that. Its not a big deal to create new ones. i have a long weekend (starting tomorrow) and i am planing to do some of the wallpapers you suggested.

i just added Wallpapers for:

Amstrad - CPC, Atari - 5200, Atari - ST, Coleco - ColecoVision and DOS

some more will come soon.

Wow, again thank you for your work and for your quick answers ! For the menus, i just checked on my retroarch, trying a few things, and i realized you just have to name the wallpaper as the menu, for example Main Menu, Settings, Favorites, History, Import Content, Contentless Cores, Explore,… and it works. I just changed all of mine by your template, and it already looks way better. Again, thank you for the new ones you made, i ll be waiting for the next batch :slight_smile:

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The new Pack is uploaded now.

i added Nintendo - Nintendo DS, Sinclair - ZX Spectrum and wallpapers for several Menu Entries

and i redited some of the older wallpapers (for amiga, all arcade cores and scummvm)

@Rone917 let me know if there is something more you want or there is Something to fix

Big Update:

-redone scummvm (again)

-redone all menus and added some more (netplay,images,videos,music)

-redone background image according to new menus (Background.png)

-added wii, atari 8-bit

-added US variants for some sega and nintendo consoles (can be found in “Alternative Wallpaper” - Folder)

Again, thank you so much for your work, it looks neat!! So far, i got everything i need :slight_smile: I need to work on a few technical issues i have, and on the rom librairy to do some cleaning. I ll see later to add some other machines. Thanks again for all that

It’s really Not much Work. I kept the things very easy and simple. This way i can do more stuff when asked for.

hi friends, i take more suggestions, wishes and other helpful tipps. :slight_smile: