Anyone have an older version of Genesis Plus GX?

please re-upload log file if possibleThe log should include when you try to load this previous non-working state file (please make a backup of that), want to see the section in the log where in the sizes are shown between this old state and the new state.

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I think so! (twenty characters)

Old state and new state? I only have the one state for the game in question. Anyway, here’s the portion of the log in question:

(I’m running RA in my downloads folder because I decided to try a “pristine” copy. The output is the same as my “normal” copy.)

Excuse me please, what is this “twenty characters” all about?
I don’t quite follow the trends like I used to. :no_mouth:

My message was too short, so I added that as padding.

“Post must be at least 20 characters.”
Ohhhh, never noticed. Thanks.

this doesn’t show what i needed to see. anyways just lemme do some testing with your state file then…

found the correct version. are you by any chance on windows 64 bit?

the state is somewhere outside a cave in an icy area?

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Well my friend this is all I can do for you, all or nothing!

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Yes, x64 outside an icy cave. What part of the log did you need to see? That was the tail end of the log, and everything else was various [INFO] stuff.

THAT’S IT! You rock!

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ok. no need for the log, i already have the version you need. ill compile this in a few minutes.

you’ll need to make sure you make backup of that old save files and the saves states you have.

EDIT: Oh, someone already have the correct one? ok nevermind then.


Thanks a lot for your help, anyway. I really appreciate it.


Glad everything worked out well!

Enjoy your game @tiltowait