Cannot scan Mame Roms

Hi there,

I apologize if it is a newbie question but I cant add Mame roms on my setup. I have just installed retroarch 1.7.8 on windows 10 and I cant scan mame roms.

While I successfully added Nintendo 64 and SNES roms after I installed the appropriate cores I have no success with mame.

I have installed mame 2013 plus and arcade mame but after scanning my roms folder. no one is recognized.

Is there any supported rom pack that I have to test exclusively or am i doing something wrong with the procedure of adding mame roms.

thx in advanced for your help.


Hi Miltos, have you read this?:

RetroArch Playlist Scanner Support

The RetroArch content database supports arcade romsets in Full Non-Merged and Split formats. In order to be recognized by the scanner, Full Non-Merged and Split romsets must also be processed by TorrentZip to standardize their CRC.


Or maybe you can find this usefull as well:


thx a lot for your reply. Probably I have tested with an appropriate rom set. I will try to find online for a compatible one.