Flycast - Various Issues

If the issue is unrelated to flycast then it shouldn’t be reported on flycast’s github, old or new. I’m indeed not convinced the mapping issue is a flycast issue, it might be something setup-related (i see a lot of remapping/overrides being loaded in the logs ?).

The crashes are flycast bugs and should be reported on flycast’s github though.

So, would the libreto github be the right place to report a control error?

because if you look, the DUALSHOCK_4.cfg has both trigger and buttons configured, the standard PS4 controls have triggers, the buttons are for the arcade type control.

Why would an abandonned repo be a good place to report something that might not even be related to the core ?

And how was I supposed to know it was abandoned? :roll_eyes: It only makes reference in this message.

A message in the core description, or in the issues would be convenient, and people would stop posting bugs there.

Well, i made multiple mentions about that in this topic.

Yes, but that information can be lost in the forums, I had not noticed and I am a relatively consistent user, a new one does not even know about it.
The idea is to make life easier for the novice and that this issue does not become a recurring one.

It may be a good idea to leave it in the description, or, if done as pure as well, libretro’s github does not have bug reports, the github itself yes.

Sure, the situation seems far from ideal, i believe archiving those abandonned repos would be the best course of action, however it’s not my call, the only thing i can do is to let users know about it.

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