Help to create the dsp audio filter :(

Well, I’m new here on the registered forum. But I am always watching and trying to apprehend without undoing. More unfortunately, I could not find a tutorial or an explanation on how to create one (dsp audio filters) I am willing to create a 10 band equalizer. Can anybody help me. And excuse my English.

just load EQ.dsp(from your audio-dsp folder) using a text editor(preferably notepad++ when using windows), it should have the basics of using and making you own preset eq.

484/5000 I’ll tell you exactly what I’m doing. I’m using lakka on a raspberryberry p3. I went into the sound property and loaded the EQ.dsp. (I do not have a switch in Windows or Linux). For he is carried in the ram. I can not change this file. I tried manually creating a EQ.dsp. with a text editor and save it as dsp. The lakka recognizes him. more does not work.

Ex: EQ.dsp

filters = 1

filter0 = eq

eq_frequencies = “0 500 1000 2000 5000”

eq_gains = “6 0 -10 0 10”

Correct so I do not lose myself in the example.

the correct formating should be like this:

filters = 1
filter0 = eq

eq_frequencies = "0 500 1000 2000 5000"
eq_gains = "6 0 -10 0 10"

if you did format the file like this (and not how it is showing in you post) then the possible reason it does not work is here:

eq_gains = “6 0 -10 0 10” <<< this should be " and not what is shown.

Thanks for the answer. The formatting that I use and the one you indicated. Even so, it has no effect whatsoever.

filters = 1

filter0 = eq

eq_frequencies = “32 64 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 20000”
eq_gains = “6 9 12 7 6 5 7 9 11 6 0”

I’m really trying to understand what the notation of my personalized DSP has had no effect whatsoever. I am literally copying the example and followed the explanation of this topic

change this into this " from that line above. Not sure what character that is, but that is a slanting quotation mark instead of the regular one.

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I changed the “to” and unfortunately it did not work. So now my EQ test.

filters = 1
filter0 = eq

eq_frequencies = “32 64 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 20000”

eq_gains = “3 3 3 3 0 0 6 7 10 10 0”

this has gotten worst honestly. you changed also eq_frequencies, now it wont work.

just copy-and-paste this into your .dsp and replace what you have.

filters = 1
filter0 = eq

eq_frequencies = "32 64 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 20000"
eq_gains = "3 3 3 3 0 0 6 7 10 10 0"

the issue is that you have been using this key:

instead of this key:


I’m going crazy already. I copied and changed the symbol. I actually copied what you changed. Even without effect. almost giving it up already.

I’ll give up the lakka and today starts from scratch with the retropier. I’ll let you know something new. Thank you very much for the help.