Help using android tv box

Thats the same issue I had. Ensure the paths in your retroarch.cfg actually exist on your box. In my case, at lease on initial install, they did not match the actual location. The default in the cfg file was the following for most directory paths (including autoconfig):


But, that location did not exist on my box. This location appeared to be where it was all installed to:


I just did a find all / replace all for the incorrect paths, then started Retroarch and then control started working. Unsure why the defaults for android boxes donā€™t match up, but after the paths were correct in the cfg file, it worked.

Good afternoon. I have the same problem with Retroarch. I have an Android TV box (Minix u9h) and a tablet (Bq edison 2 3g). I installed the Retroarch in both and it does not work for me. When I open the application the menu does not respond. I have a gamepad logitech Rumble pad 2 that I connect to both units but the most I can do is move around the menu without being able to enter any option. When I connect the gamepad it appears that it is not configured and it puts something like fallback at the end of the sentence. I downloaded the file Logictech Rumble pad 2.cgf but I do not know what to do with it I installed several versions of Retroarch but all the same. Thank you.

Hi All, I have a similar issue. I have a rooted Android on Rock64 board, the pad is recognized but work only dpad and nothing more, someone told me I need a keymapper but tincore isnā€™t available for this device and I didnā€™t see any other similar apps. By the way the emulation of N64 was amazing respect the same version on Lakkaā€¦

Hey! Thanks for your answer but, itĀ“s still not Working :ā€™( It says:

But nothing happends when I click the buttons.

I donĀ“t know what to do

I had the same issue with a rooted Android chinese generic tv box, I used the app tincore Keymapper and used its touch pointer option that simulates touch input to navigate the RetroArch glui to config everything. Also you could configure you gamepads or remotes in another Android device like your phone and move the config to the box.

solved the problem? I have the same problem

I am loading roms from a zip file and I have a question it has files for language that I will never use or understand how do I delete them off from retroarch

I am confused on how you load roms do they have to be unzipped or can they be zipped can somebody explain this to me. I donā€™t like posting on somebody elseā€™s post but for some reasons I canā€™t make my own thread

Iā€™ve recently updated my S905 box to a different Android TV firmware, and found my little trick that I used last time no longer worked (Android OSā€™ I guess act differently). I think I found a better solution to the input problem though.

The issue I had is that Iā€™m using a keyboard and a mouse. The mouse worked, sort of, but I couldnā€™t get to the appropriate screen in Retroarch to configure the keyboard. Keyboards in android show up as gamepads for some reason, which is why Retroarch doesnā€™t recognize their input. Before configuring, after starting up Retroarch and pressing keys I would see the ā€œNot Configured / Using Fallbackā€ message.

So what you have to do is create an autoconfig file for your device. First I used this app to get info on my device (in my case, itā€™s a keyboard):

Started up gamepad tester, and you can get info on your device including the name, product id, vendor id, and key codes associated with buttons that you press:

Then using that info I was able to create my autoconfig text file:

input_driver = "android"
input_device = "Dell Dell Smart Card Reader Keyboard"
input_vendor_id = "16700"
input_product_id = "8449"
input_b_btn = "54"
input_y_btn = "29"
input_select_btn = "60"
input_start_btn = "23"
input_up_btn = "19"
input_down_btn = "20"
input_left_btn = "21"
input_right_btn = "22"
input_a_btn = "52"
input_x_btn = "47"

The hardest part is getting the vendor and product id. In gamepad tester they are listed in hex, but you have to convert them to decimal for retroarch:

Product ID:  2101=8449
Vendor ID:  413c=16700

Then save your autoconfig file with the same name as input_device. In my case it was:

Dell Dell Smart Card Reader Keyboard.cfg

Then save that file to the correct directory on your Android box:

data/data/com.retroarch/autoconfig/android/Dell Dell Smart Card Reader Keyboard.cfg

Then when you start Retroarch it should recognize your device. Kind of painful, but it worked!

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