Cool guide!
I’ll add a few optimization notes on the AutoHotKey processing in step 4. Your “Friendly Image Renaming Script” copies and renames all of the 36K + 35K images. Overkill since earlier steps filtered out a ton of games. A quicker approach is to loop over roms in the created subfolders and only copy/rename their corresponding images. That would take a bigger rewrite. But here are three quicker tweaks
First put
SetBatchLines -1
at the top of the Friendly Image Renaming Script to increase the script speed,
Second slim down the dat file with the below code (takes only a few seconds) and then use “~slim.dat” in Friendly Image Renaming Script instead
SetBatchLines, -1
x = C:\MAME Roms\~MAME - ROMs (v0.176_XML).dat
y = C:\MAME Roms\~slim.dat
Loop, Read, %x%, %y%
If (InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "<game name=") or InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "<description>"))
FileAppend %A_LoopReadLine%`n
With those two changes to the Friendly Image Renaming Script the time to rename 200 images dropped from 27 to 5-6 seconds. So your one hour might drop to 10-15 minutes or so.
But it gets better. We can filter out some obviously unwanted images before running the Friendly Image Renaming Script. For example the snaps set has about 20K snaps with the MAME mechanical/screenless/device placeholder image. We can filter them by filesize and move them to another folder (also only takes a few seconds).
;57825 bytes mechanical 9000 images
;56475 bytes device 2000 images
;56467 bytes device 1000 images
;53466 bytes screenless system 9000 images
;that leaves ~14000 images in
FileCreateDir, C:\MAME Roms\~SnapsSkip\
Loop, Files, C:\MAME Roms\~Snaps\*.png
FileGetSize, s, % A_LoopFileFullPath
if (s==57825) or (s==56475) or (s==56467) or (s==53466)
FileMove, % A_LoopFileFullPath , C:\MAME Roms\~SnapsSkip\
With all these three tweaks applied the Friendly Image Renaming Script took 2 minutes to process the on my system.
Here is Alexandra’s script with these two tweaks added in
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetBatchLines -1 ;max script speed
;"Friendly Image Renaming Script"
content = C:\MAME Roms\~Snaps
;### Path to folder containing MAME Snap or Title images
destination = C:\MAME Roms\~SnapsFriendly
;### Path to folder where script should place renamed images
dat = C:\MAME Roms\~MAME - ROMs (v0.176_XML).dat
;### path to a MAME ROM database file
;### example C:\files\MAME - ROMs (v0.164_XML).dat
;### get dat here
;### TIP: If you're renaming both Snaps and Titles, make a second copy of this script, point
;### the folder paths at the other image type, and run both at once. You'll save time.
;### slim down the dat file to speed up processing
SplitPath, dat, datfolder
slimdat := datfolder "\~slim.dat"
if !FileExist(datfolder "\~slim.dat")
Loop, Read, %dat%, %slimdat%
If (InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "<game name=") or InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "<description>"))
FileAppend %A_LoopReadLine%`n
;### filter out unwanted snap png by size in bytes to speed up processing
;57825 bytes mechanical 9000 images
;56475 bytes device 2000 images
;56467 bytes device 1000 images
;53466 bytes screenless system 9000 images
;that leaves ~14000 images in
SplitPath, content, contentroot
FileCreateDir, %contentroot%\~SnapsSkip\
Loop, Files, %content%\*.png
FileGetSize, s, % A_LoopFileFullPath
if (s==57825) or (s==56475) or (s==56467) or (s==53466)
FileMove, % A_LoopFileFullPath , %contentroot%\~SnapsSkip\
;### needed: a version of the above filter/move code for the title png files
FileRead, dat, %slimdat%
Loop, %content%\*.png
name := SubStr(A_LoopFileName,1,-4) ;trim .png
needle2 = <game name=.%name%. (isbios|isdevice)
if RegExMatch(dat, needle2)
needle = <game name=.%name%.(?:| ismechanical=.*)(?:| cloneof=.*)(?:| romof=.*)>\R\s*<description>(.*)</description>
RegExMatch(dat, needle, datname)
if !datname1
datname1 := name ;fallback to filename
datname1 := RegExReplace(datname1, "[/\?<>\\:*\|]","") ;replace win forbidden chars
datname1 := RegExReplace(datname1, "'","'") ;may need more replace like this
datname1 := RegExReplace(datname1, "&","&")
;### datname1 := RegExReplace(datname1, " \(.*","") ;trim stuff like "(World version 2.2)"
datname1 := RegExReplace(datname1, "\.$","")
;list = %xx%`n%datname1% ;for troubleshooting
FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %destination%\%datname1%.png
;msgbox % list ;for troubleshooting