I Compiled Some Split Cores

[QUOTE=Thatman84;53637]Tatsuya79 How do you do it please?[/QUOTE]

Copy the genesis_plus_gx_gg_libretro files in your core and info folders.

Make a playlist for your GG games that will use this core. (or load manually if you don’t use playlists)

In the config folder create a “Genesis Plus GX - Game Gear” folder. In this folder create a text file named “Genesis Plus GX - Game Gear.cfg” with:

video_shader = “:\shaders\handheld\console-border\gg-4x.cgp” (put your own path) aspect_ratio_index = “1”

It should get applied on start if you’ve got “Load overrides files automatically = ON” in Retroarch Settings->Configuration.

Sorry misunderstanding I meant creating the custom cores instead of using Hunterks supplied ones.

Thanks for the tip though

You don’t need to decompile them, since the source is already available on github. If you have an android toolchain set up, you should be able to just go into the source tree and build it with the changes described in the OP.

Thanks for the info,

Right now it seems a bit out of reach but I will try to learn what’s needed in time. I did install Android Studio a while back so hopefully I won’t need much more than setting that up right with any additional files/tools needed.

Dude OMG that is awesome! I hate having multiple systems on the same core. Game Gear specifically.


Thought you may like those skyhigh!

I hold out hope someone will do some for droid. As I failed miserably, I have much more respect for what devs do and the knowledge they have.

I hate to ask this, as this was quite generous to begin with, but do you think I could talk you into making a split Genesis Plus GX - SG-1000 core? It would really make my day. :slight_smile:

I tried using the Sega CD core (as I just double up Sega CD and Sega Genesis anyways) to load the SG games but it won’t work - only the main Genesis Plus GX core is listed as an option.

Taking advantage of Typhon’s post, and also hating to ask, it seems the separate cores were created over a year ago, I believe some major updates happened to the GPGX core, I never compiled anything, so, how do I begin, what do I need to compile the separate cores?

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Hey Hunterk you make it happen, I’ll put up a $25 donation to RetroArch as a ‘thank you.’ :slight_smile:


Guys I’m going to attempt this. I have a feeling it’s going to suck and I’m going to fail (how’s that for a winner’s attitude :slight_smile: ), but I’m going to give it my best attempt.

If I can figure it out, I’ll share the results - and if someone else wants to try along with me, maybe we can compare notes on what we’re doing wrong until we figure it out.


Ok so I’m stuck already lol. I’m following the guide here: https://buildbot.libretro.com/docs/compilation/windows/

and I’m stuck updating the NVIDIA CG toolkit package. I’m using the ‘alternatively…’ method, as I have no idea how to install anything with this interface. I’m getting the error in the command prompt for the MSYS2 Shell program “bash: wget: command not found”

Also, for anyone wanting to attempt this, Ctrl+insert will copy (from the webpage) and shift+insert will paste (into the command prompt). You do not want to try to attempt to type all that crap out, it’s too easy to make a typo.

If someone can help me get past this step, I’d appreciate it. I’ll keep working on it in the meantime. :slight_smile:

sounds like your environment is missing wget, so you’ll need to install that or you may be able to substitute curl. Pretty much any environment has one or the other.

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I skipped that step, thinking it may not even be necessary for what I’m trying to do here.

Edit: It wasn’t.

I’m at the step: “Fetching Cores”, and I tried entering ./libretro-fetch.sh Genesis Plus GX, but it gave me an error. So, I instead used ./libretro-fetch.sh to fetch all cores. It’s currently downloading.

You probably need to put the name in quotes. Either that or it’s looking for some other name, like genesis-plus-gx or something. Dunno. I never use those scripts for building locally (though they certainly work fine for that). I typically just git clone whichever repo I want and then ‘make’ or ‘make -f Makefile.libretro’ as the case may be.

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I’ve successfully cloned the repo (using your suggestion to git clone the repo, instructions on how to do so are in the guide linked above), and I have the libretro-super\Genesis-Plus-GX\libretro.c file open in notepad++, as per your original instructions.

What exactly do I need to change, just the library name, and then it will work? (I was going to name it “Genesis Plus GX - SG1000”)

Edit: The answer is yes

Edit 2: In order for the split cores to not cause conflicts with each other when adjusting quick menu/options, further edits must be made - read further on to learn how.

Bah I got an error trying to compile.

make: Makefile.libretro.dll: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target ‘Makefile.libretro.dll’. Stop.

I know I’m close, I can feel it. :slight_smile:

this is what I did to get only the Sega CD to compile:

void retro_get_system_info(struct retro_system_info *info)
   info->library_name = "Genesis Plus GX - SegaCD";
#define GIT_VERSION ""
   info->library_version = "v1.7.4" GIT_VERSION;
   info->valid_extensions = "bin|cue|iso|chd";
   info->block_extract = false;
   info->need_fullpath = true;

@hunterk it seems with a little fidgeting one can compile bluemsx with only the spectravision, thus making loading the spectravision easier.


I changed directories as per the guide’s instructions, and I’m directly in the Genesis-Plus-GX folder, but I’m still getting that error. Do I need to be in a subfolder or something?

Ok I needed to type it without the ‘dll’ as hunterK originally instructed. Dunno why I did that, but it seems to have worked, let me test it…

It works, here you go guys - Genesis Plus GX - SG1000 (for Win64). Grab it before I decide to pull it. :slight_smile:

(link removed, see post below with link to all the split cores)

Btw, for anyone wanting to do this, it’s actually not that hard. I’m somewhat tech savvy, but I had no clue what I was doing going into this. Between the guide I was using, and hunterK’s guidance, it’s quite doable. None of what I did makes any sense to me - the terminology, the tools, the commands - but what needed done was not complicated to begin with.

Thanks hunterK.