Killer instict on mame?

Is there a way to get killer instinct running on mame?

Yeah, I’ve run it plenty of times. Just make sure you have the correct ROM and CHD.

I tried like:

roms --------kinst
------------------kinst.chd --------kinst2

But this doesn’t seem to be working.

I believe my working setup just has the zip and the chd together in the same directory.

I tried another couple of games, and same error. Tried also chd and zip in same folder together. Getting this “DIFF CHD Error: File not found”, so it doesn’t find the chd. As far I know there’s a “diff” folder in standalone Mame but don’t know about RA, or if its even related…

What mame version? 154? 2010? 2003? 0.154 (libretro-mame) works fine here, I added the path stuff and I have tested it extensively.

Can you paste a full log? instead of an screenshot? just right clic the window, select mark all and copy/paste.

Please use pastebin or something so it’s easier to read.

Sorry but I don’t know much about all this. Version? Just using the RA in download section 45 90.6 MB 2014-03-21

So I guess the version of MAME is the one packaged there, since I didn’t touch anything… MAME 2014 inside the GUI. How would I use another version, like the one you mention?

The log:

No problem, it’s 0.154 (MAME-GIT)

I don’t see any real issues except the accent on your path. Can you change your emulalacion folder to something without tildes or accents and retry?

I think I found where the problem may be (removing the tilde didnt work).

I have a custom location/path for my saves (files and states), and some files were being placed inside my savefile folders, like in the pastebin:


After resetting the path of the savefiles to the default rom location, the game worked and the path appears like


So it appears that setting a custom save path was causing my problem (that I dont know if its the same problem as the OP…) At the moment I can’t use the custom path option and plat MAME roms…

hmmm no, I have a custom location too and it works fine. maybe it’s the underscore in _savefiles?

That core is quite outdated by now though… I’ll test on the current one this afternoon, I can provide a compiled core if you want but only for windows x64

Nada. I did that before switching back to <ROM dir> With the default <ROM dir> this is the result: (game loading fine)

Writting/security permissions of any kind are needed in these directories…?

Edit: I’m using x64 so it would be ok having an updated version of the core of course…!

if you can write to the folder it should work. Make sure you can write to savefolder/mame/diff also check if your old location diff folder was empty I had problems with bogus diffs once

Those double slashes are weird btw, this is my output, and it’s working

You can find retroarch, and the cores I’ve compiled recently here:

I’ll try to build the complete set later today

Updated that link with everything I managed to build

To create /mame/diff inside my savefolder I have to make it manually, the program can’t do it, I don’t know why. Btw and manually creating those folders in my savefiles dir does the job. Gonna test your newest builds and see, just in case…

Glad you sorted it out. I just erased my save/mame folder and it created them automatically so I guess there is something wrong with permissions on your system…