MAME games Android problem

Yes and like you had it.

-autoboot_delay 2 -autoboot_command cload\n

it think the autoboot_delay is…

2 -autoboot_command cload\n

Because without quotes around the 2 like “2” it doesn’t know when the command stops.

Same thing with everything else. It needs to know where the -rompath info starts and stops. The quotes give it this info.

That is why without any quotes it takes the last character on the command line as a rom.

without quotes it assumes everything on the command line is the path to the rom. It doesn’t recognize that you are passing it multiple commands.

The scope of the separate CMD file takes the place of quotes so it works then.

Without someone adding a keyboard for cores that don’t have one I don’t know.

You could try a standard Android 3rd party keyboard app. Something with overlay support.

Or you could maybe create an android overlay that has an F2 button.

Or maybe this.

Can you give me the command line that works well for you? Thank you for the mini keyboard, this can actually be a solution :slight_smile: the only problem is that it is not bluetooth…

I thought almost every example in the link was BT…???

I did. d:\Games\Retroarch\retroarch.exe -L "d:\Games\Retroarch\cores\mame_libretro.dll" "alice32 -rp "d:\Games\Retroarch\system\mame\roms" -cass "d:\Games\Alice\Galaxion.k7" -autoboot_delay "2" -autoboot_command "cload\n"

My alice32.opt has this contents.

mame_alternate_renderer = "disabled"
mame_altres = "640x480"
mame_auto_save = "disabled"
mame_boot_from_cli = "enabled"
mame_boot_to_bios = "disabled"
mame_boot_to_osd = "disabled"
mame_buttons_profiles = "enabled"
mame_cheats_enable = "disabled"
mame_cpu_overclock = "default"
mame_lightgun_mode = "none"
mame_mame_4way_enable = "disabled"
mame_mame_paths_enable = "disabled"
mame_media_type = "rom"
mame_mouse_enable = "enabled"
mame_read_config = "enabled"
mame_saves = "game"
mame_softlists_auto_media = "disabled"
mame_softlists_enable = "disabled"
mame_throttle = "disabled"
mame_write_config = "enabled"

If you are only going to use command lines with -rompath you could try just using this for your MAME.opt.

I use both methods so need separate opt files for each system.

I honestly plan on switching to the *.cmd method… I think it is brilliant. :grin: So I will have my galaxion.cmd in e.g. d:\Games\Alice\ and my in d:\Games\Alice\roms\

my galaxion.cmd is…

alice32 -rompath "d:\Games\Retroarch\system\mame\roms" -cass "d:\Games\Alice\roms\" -autoboot_delay "2" -autoboot_command "CLOAD\n" -ui_active