i have this problem with my hyperking smartboy,this is really strange,i use retroarch 64 bit version on my xioami mi 5 sometimes i can navigate the menu,retroarch recognize smartboy as nes pc controller or android gamepad,when i save the setting and restart retroarch nothing happens, the autoconfig does not recognize the device ,the smartboy works with my oldboy or my boy without problems,please libretro fix this problem
I would be very happy
Good day, I have a question as I am new to this. I have a MX4k pro android box. I have installed retro arch but the snes controller I have doesn’t work. The screen is the blue and white screen. Can navigate up and down and side to side but can’t enter any categories. any help would be appreciated.
Installed on my Mibox S but it does not recognise any of my controllers (mibox remote, gamesire g3s gamepad, rii x8 wireless keyboard, dell wired keyboard) Is there anythign i can do to add my controllers, i cannot even navigate the menu
Anyone know if there is a ways to submit controller configs to github or on here? I have a couple USB (SNES style) controllers that I configured and confirmed correct for all the major Cores I’d like to submit if possible.
hello everyone! I’m going mad trying to configure my “Dragonrise generic usb joystick”. Everything is mapping fine, but the Y axis seems dead: Retroarch doesn’t want to recognise it and so “keyevents” and “keytest” app BUT hardware level is working fine, it seems to be mapped to “axis rX” (right stick X?). I can see it moving in “gamepad tester” app (the purple icon one) as seen in attached screencap. And it works on Redream emulator too, where it maps as “Axis12”, anywhere else (mamedroid and others…) it seems not working. I tried to manually compile the retroarch autoconfig with “+12” and “-12” but nothing happened. I don’t know what to do, I’ve tested it on a Windows pc system too and it works fine (axis X 0 and axis Y 1), with Retroarch automatically recognizing it, so I think it’s the Android usb driver that goes crazy somewhere. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Similar problems to @bYOndo here, using an old OUYA controller. The default Android TV mapping is crazily wrong, but I’m able to remap everything EXCEPT the OUYA button (start equivalent) and (more urgently) the right analog stick’s X and Y axes. (Mapping the right stick button works fine.)
When I try to map them manually, if I press nothing, the system seems to be sending some keypress to RetroArch, as it gets mapped to -2. No matter what direction I press on the stick, I still get that -2. With other buttons, the button I press seems to override the -2, but not so with the right stick.
The right stick registers just fine in a keypad tester on the same system, albeit with the X and Y axes mapped to four random other buttons.
I’ve got the OUYA’s original keymap file for the controller, if that’s helpful – but have no way to install it on this system, seems difficult/dangerous to root.
You shouldn’t need to root, just make a new directory you can read/write to and then go to settings > directory and point your autoconfig directory to it. You can re-download the autoconfig profiles then, if you want, and/or just put your custom one in there.
Does retroarch use system-format .kl files?
it does not directly, no.
Please help. Spend too much time on this. So I have an an Android box with latest retroarch (updated today 12/14/2021) I have a mouse/keyboard/ps3 controller connected via USB. They all function fine outside of the app (controller lights up, kb and mouse work fine)/ However when I try to do anything inside retroarch they dont respond. Mouse moves but doesnt click, dell keyboard says not configured, fallback but doesnt work. the controller doesnt work. I tried a different controller and keyboard with no luck.
Whats going on here? retroarch sees my devices but says not configured, fallback, which does nothing. Do i need to copy config files from a different pc to the android box?
Anyone know what the deal is with the analog stick on the Powkiddy A20? It wonkily registers input and never maps correctly. Wondering if anyone else has this issue and maybe know where to find a solution
Hello everyone,
I installed Retroarch on my Android TV box (with Android 11). I can play with no problems using one controller. But when I connect a second controller, then the second controller just acts as if it was the first controller. For exemple, in a two player game each controller will let move both players 1 and 2 at the same time.
I cannot find how to let both controllers act for a different game character (I mean controller one moving player 1 and controller 2 moving player 2). I tried using different controllers (for exemple one Xbox controller in bluetooth, the other Android controller in 2.4Ghz) but no luck. If I try to manually assign the controllers button, when I press the controller 1 button, or controller 2 button, Retroarch always detects “button #0” (so player 1 button I guess) as pressed.
Can anyone help me to solve this issue ?
Hmm, so both controllers control both players at all times? That’s unusual. Typically one controller will control both players and the other will control nothing, in which case going to settings > input > port 2 controls > device index will let you choose the other, nonfunctional controller.
Yes that’s it, both controllers control both players at the same time. But I did some new test, wondering if the problem was coming from Android TV (version 11) : I installed on my Android TV box some Android 2 players games, and they act the same way, both controllers also control both both players at the same time. I really don’t understand why, I tried different configurations : 1 android controller connected in 2.4 Ghz and the other controller (xbox one) connected in bluetooth, or 2 bluetooth Xbox One controllers, or 2 android 2.4 Ghz controllers, whatever the controllers I connect I get the same result.
So it seems that my Android TV box does recognize all the controllers connected to it, but all controllers are acting as only one same controller (player 1). Does anyone has a clue of what could be the reason for that ?
Hello everyone, I have used retroarch inside retropie for quite some while now. Recently I installed it on android (using the 64 bit version from the official website, not the play store one), and connected my custom USB controller to the phone via an otg adapter.
Everything is mapping fine, but the right joystick is dead: Retroarch doesn’t want to recognize it, I cannot bind it. The “gamepad tester” app shows that on a hardware level it is working fine, it is mapped to “rx axis” and “ry axis” (as integer axis 12 and 13). It also works on other apps like minecraft or Dolphin MMJR no problem.
I tried to manually edit the retroarch controller autoconfig file and marking “input_r_x_plus_axis” with “+12”, … etc., and it is shown correctly in the settings, but retroarch still doesn’t take any input on these axis.
It seems to be a bug in retroarchs controller driver. Unfortunately, I have seen a lot of other posts online with people also complaining certain right analog sticks do not work, one user specifically had the same problem as me with a generic usb controller not recognizing axis 12.
Is there any known quick fix for this or do I need to wait for the devs to fix it properly?
I reprogrammed my USB controller.
Apparently, android? retroarch? expects the axis of the right joystick to be (labeled according to the official USB HID specification) Z and RZ instead of RX and RY. At least that’s how a PS3 controller USB HID descriptor looks like, I basically copied that. After the controller software change, retroarch detected the right joystick as axis 2 and 3 (0 and 1 beeing the left one). It still works in all the other apps like minecraft, too. Why would one use Z and RZ for the right joystick?
After further investigation, android only really maps axis 0 to 11 (left joystick = 0/1, gas brake = 8/9, right joystick = 2/3, ruder =…) and anything above gets just a generic number. Strangely, the HID specification for Z seems to be androids RX and HID’s RZ android’s RY. I take a guess and say retroarch only supports these mapped axis from 0 to 11, since my analog triggers on 8 and 9 respectively also work fine, while 12 does not work, as described in my earlier post. (haven’t tested out 10 and 11 though).
Unfortunately, there are a lot of other people on various forums (with admittedly often cheap generic controllers) who cannot just reprogramm their controller. Retroarch should support all axis, wether they are officially mapped or just generic HID axis, like other apps like Dolphin do.
Hi, I’m on android trying to play PC 98 games. They load in just fine but I cannot use the onscreen buttons. I can’t rebind them either. In device type I only have retropad and retropad + analog. When I try to individually bind a key like d-pad up, it’s blank. I downloaded everything from the online updater tab.
other emulators like the sharp x68000 allows me to use onscreen buttons just fine.
I downloaded retroarch from the official site instead of the playstore because i’ve had other issues with it.
Can someone send me their controller profiles or something?
I’m having an issue on Retroarch Plus related to usb connected Logitech Precision gamepad (direct input, cabled, dpad, 8 buttons, select, start, no analogs)
I have successfully connect xbox series x gamepad and oem ps3 gamepad to my android device via usb and used them on Retroarch Plus.
However, Retroarch Plus can’t detect my Logitech Precision gamepad. Android OS detects it fine, I can navigate on screen with it.
It ısed to be a very popular retro gamepad decades ago any way to make retroarch recognize it?
Thank you.
Hi!same problem with Logitech precision, you managed to solve it?