One of those pesky Bliss-box 4-play users

So apparently someone (maybe me) has royally upset part of the RA team. I’m not sure what caused that, maybe as the title suggests “pesky BB users”? Anyways…

I happy to report there is a much easier way to use the Bliss-Box with RA builds now. Though I think someone with better RA skills can simplify this. What I essentially have now (with 2.0 ) is 4 unique names with each port. An auto-config for each and specific system re-mappings. Best part is you do not have to remap anything on the BB itself.

Here is where it is explained in detail

There are 3 main pieces to this.

  1. the new 2.0 firmware
  2. the API tool
  3. RA config

Keep in mind that the tool and 2.0 are still in beta. So I only recommended this for experienced users that don’t mind trying it. I have not finished all the config files either. I’m also pretty sure there are better ways to do this.

It maybe best to join that forum and keep this one clean. I’m currently playing with a pie and everything works great, though I’m very new to libretro in general.

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So apparently someone (maybe me) has royal upset part of the RA team

Nobody is upset with you. Don’t worry :slight_smile:

Just to conclude and close this topic, all work is done. The Bliss-Box now works well with the autoconfigs. The only part left is gathering and committing all the cfg files to the hive. Bliss-Box 2.0 is required and you must use the API tool to set the players to a unique order. Both the firmware and tool are on the main page.