Quick menu resume for MAME goes to menu

I using retroarch in windows and am trying to make it as kid friendly as possible. One of the issues I have is when using MAME, and then pressing the start and select buttons together to enter into the retroarch quick menu (I’m using a generic arcade stick). I can change options ok but when I click on resume, I go from the retroarch quick menu directly into the MAME menu rather than resuming play. I then get stuck in the MAME full menu and have to restart the game. Is there anyway I can make retroarch return directly to the game (or any other work around to get out of the MAME full menu).

I think you can change the button that brings up the MAME menu from within that same MAME menu. If so, you should be able to just map it to something else, for example just add another button on top of the existing combo.

Otherwise, I guess you’ll need to switch to another combo for RetroArch’s menu.

it’s not mame menu (TAB) but general mame menu (bring because you cancel the current game)

in last mame , customize_input_type_list has a combo like :

// Retro: Select + X => UI_CONFIGURE (Menu) -> IPT_UI_CONFIGURE and // Retro: Select + Start => CANCEL -> IPT_UI_CANCEL

So if you hit select+start in game (not in mame menu) , it will cancel the actual game and return to general mame menu .

best is to change the RA combo you use to bring RA menu (or maybe possible to look at a way to change default mame behaviour with an cfg file but can’t help here) .

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Excellent, I changed UI Cancel under the MAME user interface to “c” (was esc or select and start before) and now resume works as needed. thanks!