RetroArch - Native CRT Support

Ok so I believe by default the res is 700x576 or 700x480 @50 pal. This is what the core reports depending on your cropping options. I’m not sure about NTSC I will check later.

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Not sure if those are the Pal resolutions. I got me a Pal game and the logo did not resi switch :confused:

Ok so make sure you scan line setting are thus

With cropping disabled the core reports resolutions of.

PAL [email protected](@50) NTSC [email protected](@60)

Then with cropping enabled the cores report.

PAL [email protected](@50) NTSC [email protected](@60)

I hope this helps.

Thanks, its working with “crop overscan” disabled but still not resi switching if it is enabled … so weird

Hey, anyone kind enough to upload their emulatorcore.cfg for me? I must have changed something accidentally and my PSX emulator is resi switching very slow suddenly.


Hi. I’m trying to catch up with this and I’m not getting super resolutions to work as expected with Beetle PCE, most likely because I don’t know which aspect ratio options work under this condition nor what they really do, so hopefully any of you can clarify it for me or link me to a general guide for super resolutions or CRT usage. I guess I forgot some of RA essential bits so please, bear with me…

I have 2560x240 installed as well as many native modes, but I’m not sure if I’d also need others such as 2560x256. Said that, these are the options I’m playing with (just Beetle PCE for now):

aspect_ratio_index ="22"

video_fullscreen_x = "2560"

video_fullscreen_y = "240"

video_refresh_rate = "60"

video_crop_overscan = "false"

video_vsync = "true"

video_force_aspect = "true"

video_scale_integer = "false"

video_aspect_ratio = ""

video_aspect_ratio_auto = "false"

aspect_ratio_index = 22

custom_viewport_width = "2560"

custom_viewport_heighth = "240"

custom_viewport_x = 0

custom_viewport_y = 0

Basically, I can’t get one configuration to work for all the games, if a 256x240 game is displayed correctly, then a 336x240 one is not and viceversa. So I’d love to know which are the options I should worry about for this and if aspect_ratio_index and the custom_viewport options should still play a role under super resolutions/swtichres usage.

Also, is the FPS count display reliable, once it gets stable? I get a value between 57.2 and 58.0 with this core no matter what I do.

Thanks in advance.

Yo años esperando que esto suceda peo creo que los desarrolladores no les interesa los crt se acostumbraron solo a los LCD

It’s been in for a couple of years now.

Hi, sorry for my bad English, as I don’t speak the language I had to use the translator. I’m having the same issue with interlaced resolutions being locked at 30fps, did you manage to solve it? It’s the first time I use Linux, before I used CRT Emudriver on Windows but switching between resolutions like for example in Chrono Trigger were not smooth, so I decided to test linux and I was impressed, no stuttering at all! Only the interlaced resolution which is locked at 30hz and limits the fps to 30 too. when I select 60hz on the monitor it loses sync like it used to in windows when I selected a progressive resolution of 480p. On windows, when I accessed the video card properties, I noticed that the interlaced resolutions were like this: 640x480 @60hz(which was the resolution of 30hz/30fps) 640x480 @ 120hz (it was at 60hz/60fps) And in Linux it doesn’t look like this, only like this: 640x480@30hz (which is actually at 30hz, limiting the fps) and 640x480@60hz (which is in progressive mode, if I choose it the screen loses signal). Does anyone have a solution to leave the interlaced mode at 60hz and turn off the progressive and 30hz mode? Thanks.

is it actually moving at half speed? if not, I think 30 is where it should be. that is, 30 full frames split into 2 field sets per frame.

Hi Huntrek, thanks for the reply, any game that uses interlaced resolution is running at half speed, I saw somewhere that it was a problem with the most up-to-date linux kernel and they told me to disable retroarch vsync or install a patch fix which fixes this problem. I’ve tested it now, disabling vsync and running normally and switching between resolutions in Chrono Trigger is very smooth. Is this kind of fluidity in switching between resolutions possible in Windows 10? Here the audio and video were flickering, hence my move to Linux, but if Windows had a way around this when switching between resolutions, I would definitely go back to windows lol.

Edit: Unfortunately some games disabling vsync in retroarch get screen thering, unfortunately unplayable, so disabling vsync will go back to running at normal speed at interlaced resolutions but fics cok screen thering.