Snes cores not as smooth as they should be

This is a somewhat strange stalemate actually - because I accept the “cant reproduce” response and do so entirely. At the same time I am not willing to reinstall the current “stable release” of RA just to reproduce the issue again because for me there’s more hassle involved than ostensible potential benefits reaped.

But with the same notion of the argumentative sceptic that bows to “cant be reproduced” I can assure you - that this difference in versions, between Tekken 3 becoming almost unplayable on one and playing perfectly fine on the other existed, and that I’ve done almost anything I can think of, In trying to isolate the issue. So is it an intermittent problem, do we have a settings mismatch, was it an unrelated app freaking out - idk. But It could also have been you not knowing what to look for, not using Tekken 3 while trying to reproduce the issue, or anything along those lines.

Knowing that, my fist instinct is to make sure both of us used the same settings - and look for breaking points during the setup (“close to default retroarch settings”) - but with Retroarch that process alone is convoluted enough, that describing it each time, actually becomes unmanageable. And this becomes another source of frustration…

But as none of this actually leads to any progress concerning this issue, we can put it aside for a moment. An yes “can’t reproduce” is a pretty final response I ultimately have to live with.

The main point of contention then becomes that somehow, someone really would think that a person going through the checklist of “how can it be reproduced” and “does it qualify as a regression” could be mischaracterized to do this to troll others for attention.I get that “accusing others of trolling” becomes this handy “vice” in how people want to understand the world surrounding them - but when you look at core motivations and actions taken and proclaimed - this makes no sense in this case. None at all.

The next step then is to take the error report and invalidate it by just using the “I know this person - he’s just trouble” approach, which works wonders to silence critics - but at the same time, its an emotional, reputation based, “best guess” approach that removes any discussion about an issue from the open, simply based on how good a few of you guys know each other. Thats not very enlightened (big word…) and it is distinctly non sceptical and entirely believe based.

The point I am taking an issue with starts at someone accepting this as a good enough reason to drop a reported issue and not follow up on it. If you wan’t to be a good judge of character - here is one of my defining personality traits… :wink:

But then - none of this advances your point, or the issue at hand – and the earliest I will try to prove you wrong (and hopefully be disappointed) will be when the next stable release goes online. If the issue then still pops up, I will press it again (in its own thread) – but until then, please don’t cut interactions short with the “I know he is just trolling, so don’t listen to his experiences” reputation gambit.

Being on the short end of that - just sucks.


Still, thank you for the work you do - although I have to remind myself of it from time to time, I am still using Retroarch for a reason.