Tilde key... kinda... sorta... not working?

So “Tilde” or “Backquote” (I read retroarch doesn’t differentiate while searching) is… kind of not working anymore? Let me explain…

I have always. always always always, for years used Tilde as my fast forward key. I’ve never had an issue. Just today I completely reinstalled Windows 10 from scratch, and everything else along with it. I setup RetroArch, it’s running wonderfully… almost.

All my keyboard controls work, and I was able to map everything properly. I mapped tilde to fast forward hold in Menu Hotkeys - it recognizes the button when I map it. However in-game it will not register that I’m pushing Tilde.

I checked this by swapping it to another key, and it maps it, and responds apporpriately… but when switching back to Tilde… I can map it… but it won’t fast forward. I can’t even begin to imagine how that’s the case. That it would recognize all my function keys, letters, numbers and Tab, and Esc and punctuation… but not Tilde.

I know I could just set it to another key, but everything I’ve made over the last several years is mapped in a certain way… and it would be a massive pain to shuffle it around for a key that ‘should’ totally just work.

Can anyone help me out? I’m scratchin’ my head on this one…

That’s weird. I just tried a few different cores, and it seems as if neither fast forward keys work. Even remapped I couldnt see any speedup.

Does it give you a notice for fast forward, or just no response?

My tilde key isn’t even giving a notification for FF - but when I switched it to F3 it gave the notification and sped things up. My toggle FF has always been set to F9 and that’s working just fine.

Yeah, the double arrows shows up on both the ‘hold’ key, and the ‘toggle’ key, but no fast-forwarding occurs.

I don’t remember issue on my gaming laptop - i’m on my work one and tried it out to see if I could replicate your issue.

I’ve always used that as my fast forward key, and it still works on my Win10 desktop with the latest Win64 nightly. In retroarch.cfg it’s set as:

input_hold_fast_forward = "tilde"
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I’m getting the same here, latest nightly, config file reflects in-menu mapping. It’s only while the game is running that it doesn’t seem to recognize me pushing Tilde. It’s the most bizarre thing…

Like why would Windows pass Tilde to RetroArch in the menus, but not in-game? I’m not aware of any factor that would be getting in the way there.

I tried setting everything to run as Admin today, but no change in results.

Well… I fixed it. Super strange… I switched input driver to “raw”. I started noticing all kinds of weird keyboard problems and eventually found this post here:

I detailed a lot more of the problems I was having in a comment in that thread. I don’t know, hopefully it makes more sense. Sounds like there’s been a creeping issue going on that I bungled my way into lol

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