Cannonball core not loading

Hi, I am having problems getting the Cannonball core to load; I am using RetroArch 1.7.3.

When I select ‘Start Core’, RetroArch attempts to load the core but then quits completely.

I have tried this on two different PCs and also with a fresh installation.

My Cannonball ROMs work fine in the original Cannonball and they have also been patched with the audio fix.

I’d prefer to get it working in RetroArch as the Shaders look nicer.

Log file from RetroArch:

[INFO] RetroArch 1.7.3 (Git b2ceb50897) [INFO] === Build ======================================= [INFO] Version: 1.7.3 [INFO] Git: b2ceb50897 [INFO] ================================================= [INFO] Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565. [INFO] Redirecting save file to “L:\RetroArch\saves.srm”. [INFO] Redirecting savestate to “L:\RetroArch\states.state”. [INFO] Version of libretro API: 1 [INFO] Compiled against API: 1 [INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 29970.03 Hz. [INFO] [Video]: Video @ fullscreen [INFO] [GL]: Found GL context: wgl [INFO] [GL]: Detecting screen resolution 1920x1080. [INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1) [INFO] [GL]: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2. [INFO] [GL]: Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 391.35. [INFO] [GL]: Using resolution 1920x1080 [INFO] [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl. [INFO] [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend. [INFO] [GLSL]: Checking GLSL shader support … [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. [INFO] Setting up menu pipeline shaders for XMB … [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. [INFO] Resetting shader to defaults … [INFO] [GL]: Using 4 textures. [INFO] [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s). [INFO] [GL]: Using GL_RGB565 for texture uploads. [INFO] [XInput]: Found XInput v1.4. [INFO] [XInput]: Found controller, user #0 [INFO] [XInput]: Pads connected: 1 [INFO] [DINPUT]: Enumerating joypads … [INFO] [DINPUT]: Device #0 PID: {028E} VID:{045E} [INFO] [DINPUT]: Done enumerating joypads … [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for “XInput Controller (User 1)”, user #0 [INFO] [DINPUT]: Found XInput pad at index 0 (DINPUT index 0) [INFO] [XInput]: Found VID/PID (045E/028E) from DINPUT index 0 for “XInput Controller (User 1)”, user #0 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #1 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #2 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #3 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #4 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #5 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #6 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #7 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #8 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #9 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #10 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #11 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #12 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #13 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #14 [INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #15 [INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: “xinput”. [INFO] [Autoconf]: 80 profiles found. [INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype. [INFO] [Video]: Found display server: win32 [INFO] Found shader “L:\RetroArch\shaders\retroarch.glslp” [INFO] XAudio2: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency. [INFO] [autoconf]: selected configuration: L:\RetroArch\autoconfig\xinput\XInput_Controller_User_1.cfg [INFO] [Menu]: Found menu display driver: “menu_display_gl”. [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000 [INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype. [INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype. [INFO] [LED]: LED driver = ‘null’ 00000000008DD540 [INFO] SRAM will not be saved. [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 [INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000 [INFO] Loading history file: [L:\RetroArch\]. [INFO] Loading history file: [L:\RetroArch\]. [INFO] Loading history file: [L:\RetroArch\]. [INFO] Loading history file: [L:\RetroArch\]. [INFO] Loading history file: [L:\RetroArch\]. [INFO] [GL]: VSync => on [INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1) [INFO] [GL]: VSync => on [INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1) [INFO] Updating firmware status for: L:\RetroArch\cores\cannonball_libretro.dll on L:\RetroArch\system [INFO] No content, starting dummy core. [INFO] arg #0: retroarch [INFO] arg #1: --menu [INFO] arg #2: -s [INFO] arg #3: L:\RetroArch\saves [INFO] arg #4: -S [INFO] arg #5: L:\RetroArch\states [INFO] arg #6: -c [INFO] arg #7: L:\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg [INFO] arg #8: -L [INFO] arg #9: L:\RetroArch\cores\cannonball_libretro.dll [INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames. [INFO] Set config file to : L:\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg [INFO] RetroArch 1.7.3 (Git b2ceb50897) [INFO] === Build ======================================= [INFO] Version: 1.7.3 [INFO] Git: b2ceb50897 [INFO] ================================================= [INFO] Loading dynamic libretro core from: “L:\RetroArch\cores\cannonball_libretro.dll” [INFO] Environ GET_LOG_INTERFACE. [INFO] Environ SET_SUPPORT_NO_GAME: yes. [INFO] Redirecting save file to “L:\RetroArch\saves\Cannonball.srm”. [INFO] Redirecting savestate to “L:\RetroArch\states\Cannonball.state”. [INFO] Environ PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: 2. [INFO] Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own. [INFO] Environ SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS: [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “B (bottom)” => “Accelerate” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “Y (left)” => “Brake” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “Select” => “Coin” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “Start” => “Start” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “D-Pad Up” => “Up” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “D-Pad Down” => “Down” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “D-Pad Left” => “Left” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “D-Pad Right” => “Right” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “A (right)” => “Gear” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “X (up)” => “Gear” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “L” => “Adjust View” [INFO] RetroPad, User 1, Button “R” => “Go Back To Menu” [INFO] Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565.

Does anyone have any advice on how I can fix this?

1 Like

Yeah, it’s a little weird. Instead of using the ‘start core’ method, make a directory for your Cannonball files and unzip the ROM into it. Then make an empty text file and name it When you want to play, load the file.

Caution: analog inputs aren’t hooked up yet, so it’s digital control only currently.

Hello again :grin: thanks for helping.

I saved a blank text file from NotePad++ and named it ‘’.

I placed the ‘’ file, into my ‘canonball’ folder, inside the ‘system’ folder, inside RetroArch’s folder

I tried loading the cannonball core, then I went to ‘Load Content’ and selected my file.

Unfortunately this didn’t work. Do I have the steps correct?

Yeah, that should be right. Can you get us a log?

Here you go:

[INFO] RetroArch 1.7.3 (Git b2ceb50897)
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] Version: 1.7.3
[INFO] Git: b2ceb50897
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves\.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states\.state".
[INFO] Version of libretro API: 1
[INFO] Compiled against API: 1
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 29970.03 Hz.
[INFO] [Video]: Video @ fullscreen
[INFO] [GL]: Found GL context: wgl
[INFO] [GL]: Detecting screen resolution 1920x1080.
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] [GL]: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2.
[INFO] [GL]: Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 391.35.
[INFO] [GL]: Using resolution 1920x1080
[INFO] [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl.
[INFO] [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Checking GLSL shader support ...
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] Setting up menu pipeline shaders for XMB ... 
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] Resetting shader to defaults ... 
[INFO] [GL]: Using 4 textures.
[INFO] [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s).
[INFO] [GL]: Using GL_RGB565 for texture uploads.
[INFO] [XInput]: Found XInput v1.4.
[INFO] [XInput]: Found controller, user #0
[INFO] [XInput]: Pads connected: 1
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Enumerating joypads ...
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Device #0 PID: {028E} VID:{045E}
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Done enumerating joypads ...
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for "XInput Controller (User 1)", user #0
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Found XInput pad at index 0 (DINPUT index 0)
[INFO] [XInput]: Found VID/PID (045E/028E) from DINPUT index 0 for "XInput Controller (User 1)", user #0
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #1
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #2
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #3
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #4
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #5
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #6
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #7
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #8
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #9
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #10
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #11
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #12
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #13
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #14
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #15
[INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "xinput".
[INFO] [Autoconf]: 80 profiles found.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Video]: Found display server: win32
[INFO] Found shader "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\retroarch.glslp"
[INFO] XAudio2: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [autoconf]: selected configuration: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\autoconfig\xinput\XInput_Controller_User_1.cfg
[INFO] [Menu]: Found menu display driver: "menu_display_gl".
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [LED]: LED driver = 'null' 00000000008DD540
[INFO] SRAM will not be saved.
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] Updating firmware status for: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\cores\dinothawr_libretro.dll on L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system
[INFO] Using content: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system\cannonball\
[INFO] arg #0: retroarch
[INFO] arg #1: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system\cannonball\
[INFO] arg #2: -s
[INFO] arg #3: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves
[INFO] arg #4: -S
[INFO] arg #5: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states
[INFO] arg #6: -c
[INFO] arg #7: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
[INFO] arg #8: -L
[INFO] arg #9: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\cores\dinothawr_libretro.dll
[INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
[INFO] Set config file to : L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
[INFO] RetroArch 1.7.3 (Git b2ceb50897)
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves\cannonball.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states\cannonball.state".
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] Version: 1.7.3
[INFO] Git: b2ceb50897
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] Loading dynamic libretro core from: "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\cores\dinothawr_libretro.dll"
[INFO] [overrides] no core-specific overrides found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\Dinothawr\Dinothawr.cfg.
[INFO] [overrides] no game-specific overrides found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\Dinothawr\cannonball.cfg.
[INFO] Shaders: preset directory: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets
[INFO] Shaders: no game-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\cannonball.cgp.
[INFO] Shaders: no game-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\cannonball.glslp.
[INFO] Shaders: no parent-dir-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\cannonball.cgp.
[INFO] Shaders: no parent-dir-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\cannonball.glslp.
[INFO] Shaders: no core-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\Dinothawr.cgp.
[INFO] Shaders: no core-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\Dinothawr.glslp.
[INFO] Remaps: remap directory: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\remaps
[INFO] Remaps: no game-specific remap found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\remaps\Dinothawr\cannonball.rmp.
[INFO] Remaps: no core-specific remap found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\remaps\Dinothawr\Dinothawr.rmp.
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves\cannonball.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states\cannonball.state".
[INFO] Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "B (bottom)" => "Push"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "A (right)" => "Menu"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "X (up)" => "Reset"
1 Like

I noticed a lot of references to Dinothawr in the log, could that be the issue?

1 Like

Yeah, looks like it’s trying to use Dinothawr core. Try manually loading the cannonball core and then load the game content.

1 Like

How do I manually load a core? I think that’s how I was doing it?

Load Core, choose Cannonball, Load Content, select

1 Like

Hmm, yeah, that’s the process… Can you try deleting the dinothawr core temporarily?

1 Like

Aha! It works without the Dinothawr core! Perhaps it’s a bug with RetroArch?

I noticed the music selection graphic isn’t stretched in widescreen mode like the original Cannonball; but otherwise it works great, especially with the crt-hylian shader

yeah, that’s definitely not working as intended. I’ll try to reproduce it here and open a ticket on the github repo.

Thanks very much :+1:

Are your core info files up to date?
It’s needed to tell retroarch to open .game files with cannonball (and not only dinothawr that uses them too).

Hi, they should be, but I will re-check; I have all cores installed.

Is there a way I can do this in one swoop, or at least a way see which version of the core is installed to compare with the latest somehow. Perhaps a newer core would have a star beside it or something?

I have been manually selecting each core in the Update Core section and redownloading every one (118 of them), my internet is very limited so it can take a while.

Ok, I’ve updated all my cores, although I now seem to have 117 now, not sure how that happened?

I tried the Cannonball core again (with Dinothawr core still installed) and unfortunately it closed again.

There doesn’t appear to be any mention of Dinothawr in the log this time:

[INFO] RetroArch 1.7.3 (Git b2ceb50897)
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] Version: 1.7.3
[INFO] Git: b2ceb50897
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves\.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states\.state".
[INFO] Version of libretro API: 1
[INFO] Compiled against API: 1
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 29970.03 Hz.
[INFO] [Video]: Video @ fullscreen
[INFO] [GL]: Found GL context: wgl
[INFO] [GL]: Detecting screen resolution 1920x1080.
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] [GL]: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2.
[INFO] [GL]: Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 391.35.
[INFO] [GL]: Using resolution 1920x1080
[INFO] [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl.
[INFO] [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Checking GLSL shader support ...
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] Setting up menu pipeline shaders for XMB ... 
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] Resetting shader to defaults ... 
[INFO] [GL]: Using 4 textures.
[INFO] [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s).
[INFO] [GL]: Using GL_RGB565 for texture uploads.
[INFO] [XInput]: Found XInput v1.4.
[INFO] [XInput]: Found controller, user #0
[INFO] [XInput]: Pads connected: 1
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Enumerating joypads ...
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Device #0 PID: {028E} VID:{045E}
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Done enumerating joypads ...
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for "XInput Controller (User 1)", user #0
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Found XInput pad at index 0 (DINPUT index 0)
[INFO] [XInput]: Found VID/PID (045E/028E) from DINPUT index 0 for "XInput Controller (User 1)", user #0
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #1
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #2
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #3
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #4
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #5
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #6
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #7
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #8
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #9
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #10
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #11
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #12
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #13
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #14
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #15
[INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "xinput".
[INFO] [Autoconf]: 80 profiles found.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Video]: Found display server: win32
[INFO] Found shader "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\retroarch.glslp"
[INFO] XAudio2: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [autoconf]: selected configuration: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\autoconfig\xinput\XInput_Controller_User_1.cfg
[INFO] [Menu]: Found menu display driver: "menu_display_gl".
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [LED]: LED driver = 'null' 00000000008DD540
[INFO] SRAM will not be saved.
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] Updating firmware status for: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\cores\cannonball_libretro.dll on L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system
[INFO] Using content: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system\cannonball\
[INFO] arg #0: retroarch
[INFO] arg #1: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system\cannonball\
[INFO] arg #2: -s
[INFO] arg #3: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves
[INFO] arg #4: -S
[INFO] arg #5: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states
[INFO] arg #6: -c
[INFO] arg #7: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
[INFO] arg #8: -L
[INFO] arg #9: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\cores\cannonball_libretro.dll
[INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
[INFO] Set config file to : L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
[INFO] RetroArch 1.7.3 (Git b2ceb50897)
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves\cannonball.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states\cannonball.state".
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] Version: 1.7.3
[INFO] Git: b2ceb50897
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] Loading dynamic libretro core from: "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\cores\cannonball_libretro.dll"
[INFO] [overrides] no core-specific overrides found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\Cannonball\Cannonball.cfg.
[INFO] [overrides] no game-specific overrides found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\Cannonball\cannonball.cfg.
[INFO] Shaders: preset directory: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets
[INFO] Shaders: no game-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Cannonball\cannonball.cgp.
[INFO] Shaders: no game-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Cannonball\cannonball.glslp.
[INFO] Shaders: no parent-dir-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Cannonball\cannonball.cgp.
[INFO] Shaders: no parent-dir-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Cannonball\cannonball.glslp.
[INFO] Shaders: no core-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Cannonball\Cannonball.cgp.
[INFO] Shaders: no core-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Cannonball\Cannonball.glslp.
[INFO] Remaps: remap directory: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\remaps
[INFO] Remaps: no game-specific remap found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\remaps\Cannonball\cannonball.rmp.
[INFO] Remaps: no core-specific remap found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\remaps\Cannonball\Cannonball.rmp.
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves\cannonball.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states\cannonball.state".
[INFO] Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "B (bottom)" => "Accelerate"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "Y (left)" => "Brake"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "Select" => "Coin"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "Start" => "Start"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Up" => "Up"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Down" => "Down"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Left" => "Left"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Right" => "Right"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "A (right)" => "Gear"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "X (up)" => "Gear"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "L" => "Adjust View"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "R" => "Go Back To Menu"
[libretro INFO] Rom directory: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system\cannonball\
[libretro WARN] [Cannonball]: Unable to load widescreen tilemaps.
[INFO] Version of libretro API: 1
[INFO] Compiled against API: 1
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 44055.95 Hz.
[INFO] [Video]: Video @ fullscreen
[INFO] [GL]: Found GL context: wgl
[INFO] [GL]: Detecting screen resolution 1920x1080.
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] [GL]: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2.
[INFO] [GL]: Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 391.35.
[INFO] [GL]: Using resolution 1920x1080
[INFO] [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl.
[INFO] [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Checking GLSL shader support ...
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] Setting up menu pipeline shaders for XMB ... 
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] Resetting shader to defaults ... 
[INFO] [GL]: Using 4 textures.
[INFO] [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s).
[INFO] [GL]: Using GL_RGB565 for texture uploads.
[INFO] [XInput]: Found XInput v1.4.
[INFO] [XInput]: Found controller, user #0
[INFO] [XInput]: Pads connected: 1
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Enumerating joypads ...
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Device #0 PID: {028E} VID:{045E}
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Done enumerating joypads ...
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for "XInput Controller (User 1)", user #0
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Found XInput pad at index 0 (DINPUT index 0)
[INFO] [XInput]: Found VID/PID (045E/028E) from DINPUT index 0 for "XInput Controller (User 1)", user #0
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #1
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #2
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #3
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #4
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #5
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #6
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #7
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #8
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #9
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #10
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #11
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #12
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #13
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #14
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #15
[INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "xinput".
[INFO] [Autoconf]: 80 profiles found.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Video]: Found display server: win32
[INFO] Found shader "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\retroarch.glslp"
[INFO] XAudio2: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [autoconf]: selected configuration: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\autoconfig\xinput\XInput_Controller_User_1.cfg
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [LED]: LED driver = 'null' 00000000008DD540
[INFO] SRAM will not be saved.
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] Written to playlist file: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\
[INFO] [Config]: Saved new config to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
[INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.

Sorry I’m not sure how to paste my log so it looks a bit easier to read.

Looks like it’s using the correct core now, and I don’t see any errors in there. So, that’s good. It’s still not loading, though?

Unfortunately not; I’ve noticed a Command Prompt opens when launching now and I’m just catching the end of an error; it reads something about failed to open front…

I also think that log file I previously posted may be incorrect so I retested:

[INFO] RetroArch 1.7.3 (Git b2ceb50897)
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] Version: 1.7.3
[INFO] Git: b2ceb50897
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves\.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states\.state".
[INFO] Version of libretro API: 1
[INFO] Compiled against API: 1
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 29970.03 Hz.
[INFO] [Video]: Video @ fullscreen
[INFO] [GL]: Found GL context: wgl
[INFO] [GL]: Detecting screen resolution 1920x1080.
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] [GL]: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2.
[INFO] [GL]: Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 391.35.
[INFO] [GL]: Using resolution 1920x1080
[INFO] [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl.
[INFO] [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Checking GLSL shader support ...
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] Setting up menu pipeline shaders for XMB ... 
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] Resetting shader to defaults ... 
[INFO] [GL]: Using 4 textures.
[INFO] [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s).
[INFO] [GL]: Using GL_RGB565 for texture uploads.
[INFO] [XInput]: Found XInput v1.4.
[INFO] [XInput]: Found controller, user #0
[INFO] [XInput]: Pads connected: 1
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Enumerating joypads ...
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Device #0 PID: {028E} VID:{045E}
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Done enumerating joypads ...
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for "XInput Controller (User 1)", user #0
[INFO] [DINPUT]: Found XInput pad at index 0 (DINPUT index 0)
[INFO] [XInput]: Found VID/PID (045E/028E) from DINPUT index 0 for "XInput Controller (User 1)", user #0
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #1
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #2
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #3
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #4
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #5
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #6
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #7
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #8
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #9
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #10
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #11
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #12
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #13
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #14
[INFO] [XInput]: Attempting autoconf for user #15
[INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "xinput".
[INFO] [Autoconf]: 80 profiles found.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Video]: Found display server: win32
[INFO] Found shader "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\retroarch.glslp"
[INFO] XAudio2: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [autoconf]: selected configuration: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\autoconfig\xinput\XInput_Controller_User_1.cfg
[INFO] [Menu]: Found menu display driver: "menu_display_gl".
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [LED]: LED driver = 'null' 00000000008DD540
[INFO] SRAM will not be saved.
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Phosphor ON/OFF (PHOSPHOR) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanlines Direction (VSCANLINES) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Input gamma (InputGamma) 2.400000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Output Gamma (OutputGamma) 2.200000 0.000000 5.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Sharpness Hack (SHARPNESS) 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Color Boost (COLOR_BOOST) 1.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.050000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Red Boost (RED_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Green Boost (GREEN_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Blue Boost (BLUE_BOOST) 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.010000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Scanline Strength (SCANLINES_STRENGTH) 0.720000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Min Beam Width (BEAM_MIN_WIDTH) 0.860000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Max Beam Width (BEAM_MAX_WIDTH) 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000
[INFO] Found #pragma parameter CRT - Anti-Ringing (CRT_ANTI_RINGING) 0.800000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] Loading history file: [L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\].
[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[INFO] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
[INFO] Updating firmware status for: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\cores\dinothawr_libretro.dll on L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system
[INFO] Using content: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system\cannonball\
[INFO] arg #0: retroarch
[INFO] arg #1: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system\cannonball\
[INFO] arg #2: -s
[INFO] arg #3: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves
[INFO] arg #4: -S
[INFO] arg #5: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states
[INFO] arg #6: -c
[INFO] arg #7: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
[INFO] arg #8: -L
[INFO] arg #9: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\cores\dinothawr_libretro.dll
[INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
[INFO] Set config file to : L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
[INFO] RetroArch 1.7.3 (Git b2ceb50897)
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves\cannonball.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states\cannonball.state".
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] Version: 1.7.3
[INFO] Git: b2ceb50897
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] Loading dynamic libretro core from: "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\cores\dinothawr_libretro.dll"
[INFO] [overrides] no core-specific overrides found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\Dinothawr\Dinothawr.cfg.
[INFO] [overrides] no game-specific overrides found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\Dinothawr\cannonball.cfg.
[INFO] Shaders: preset directory: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets
[INFO] Shaders: no game-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\cannonball.cgp.
[INFO] Shaders: no game-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\cannonball.glslp.
[INFO] Shaders: no parent-dir-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\cannonball.cgp.
[INFO] Shaders: no parent-dir-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\cannonball.glslp.
[INFO] Shaders: no core-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\Dinothawr.cgp.
[INFO] Shaders: no core-specific preset found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\shaders\presets\Dinothawr\Dinothawr.glslp.
[INFO] Remaps: remap directory: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\remaps
[INFO] Remaps: no game-specific remap found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\remaps\Dinothawr\cannonball.rmp.
[INFO] Remaps: no core-specific remap found at L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\config\remaps\Dinothawr\Dinothawr.rmp.
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\saves\cannonball.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\states\cannonball.state".
[INFO] Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "B (bottom)" => "Push"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "A (right)" => "Menu"
[INFO] 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "X (up)" => "Reset"

You’re back to dinothawr for some reason… On my end, it started working fine once I updated both the core and the info files (the info files have their own bulk update entry).

To make the logs easier to read, use the </> button.

I managed to catch the error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’ what(): Failed to load font: L:\ARC__Emulation\Emulators__Installed\Multi_system\RetroArch\system\cannonball/.