Changing Bindings in Retro Arch for vectrex

go to settings > input > hotkey binds and then press “delete” to unbind it. That may not work on your old version, in which case, you’ll need to open your retroarch.cfg in a text editor and replace the appropriate bind with “nul”

No I. CHanged the hot key to f but I will do it your wAy

Thank you so much!!! I unbinded to fast forward

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Hunter I am in a pickle with this when I go through retro arch set up the bindings and exit. The inputkeys are saved but. When I launch my front end Hyperspin which uses rocket Launcher all of my saved inputs are changed back WHAT AM I DOING WRNG??? Example if I change the fire button from Z to A I click F1 and the game works. Correctly the way I want with the correct fire button. I escape out of in rocket Launcher out of the Atari 2600. Go back to the same game and the fire. Button is changed back to z again. help!,