Changing Bindings in Retro Arch for vectrex

Please bear in mind I am using Retro Arch version 1.3.6 I want to change the user 1 buttons (1,2,3,4). From button 1 x key to left control Button 2 z key to left alt Button 3 s key to space Button 4 a key to left shift

Ihave trid user 1 save auto config I have tried. Save core overrides and every time. Retro arch reverts back to using the x,z,s and a key. How do I change them. The keys that I want to change them to are keyboard buttons for a control panel board I am building

disable autoconfiguration and hard-map the retropad bindings in settings > input > p1 input binds.

Why are you using such an old version, btw?

I haven’t gotten around to updating it yet I was afraid that if I update. I would loose all of my settings. On the cores. Can you suggest a safe way to do a full update and NOT mess with my settings on the cores I have set up?

If you’re using Windows, make a backup of your installation first (just to be safe) and then download a nightly build for your OS/arch from While you’re in there, get the “redist” bundle, as well.

Unzip both of those archives and take their contents and drop them into your RetroArch directory, overwriting any conflicts.

That should get you updated, but be sure to test some things before deleting the backup of your old installation.

These instructions. Are for MY version 1.3.6. And not for the newer version of retro arch right?

It’s for all versions. But, since you’ll have your old version backed up anyway, if something goes wrong, you can just stick with your old installation. No harm done.

I have downloaded the newest version of retro arch on another computer I am not finding disable autoconfiguration and hard-map the retropad bindings in settings > input > p1 input binds.

oh, i thought you were referring to the update instructions…

Settings > input > Autoconfig OFF

Settings > input > user 1 binds > bind all

by “hard-mapping”, I just meant “writing the mappings to the config through the interface rather than relying on autoconfiguration”

Sorry I am in the newest download of retro arch.

I am not finding Settings > input > Autoconfig OFF

I see max users unified menu controls, No auto config

Settings > input > user 1 binds > bind all Bind all makes me hit a key for each item

You may need to go to settings > user interface > advanced options ON to make that option visible.

If you don’t want to bind all, you can bind just those individual buttons you want to change down at the individual function.

Shaw advanced setting. .? Back to input Auto config not found I tried going to user 1 binds Did you mean. User 1 save auto config?

Now something glitched I now find auto config

Working on Vectrex here. Now I know they had on their controller 4 buttons and a rest set in user 1 binds I see 1a 1b. But no button for button 3,4. Which ones are they

Hunter for the longest time. I didn’t see auto config. And now I restart the program and magically ther it was!

No worries, as long as it’s there now :slight_smile:

I believe 3 and 4 are X and Y.

When you say hard map you mean. BIND All?

I mean any binding in user 1 binds menu that is then saved to the config (or manually editing the retroarch.cfg in a text editor). The autoconfig binds are only applied as long as the gamepad is plugged in. Binds applied in the config are permanent.

So after I make my changes I click user 1 autoconfig.?

No, after you make your changes, quit RetroArch to write them to the config. Re-open RetroArch and check to make sure they’re still there, then load your game.

And th se steps also work with the old version I have too. Correct 1.3.6?

For retro arch. On of the buttons I have to set is button 3. On the controller iPac board. The third button is have is the space bar. But in Retroarch it is fast forward How do I change that. I need the third button to be for Vectrex button 3 and on my iPac keycod table it is space bar…