Host your very own Henkaku server on Android (No root)

EDIT2: There is a now a dead simple server for Android

Guide left up for posterity.

I whipped this up after finding the Node.js port and realizing I could use Node.js on Android via Termux

Came across this port of the web server for Node.js. After a bit of digging I realized this can (fairly) easily be used on an Android phone (Doesn’t even need/use root!)

[ul] [li] Download Termux from or [/li][li] If using FDroid be sure to allow unknown sources in Settings > Security and install the apk [/li][li] Now once it launches accept the first time popup and select do not show again [/li][li] To make your life easier swipe in from the left side and LONG HOLD the Keyboard button. This will enable an extra row on the keyboard that among other things includes tab so you can tab complete directory/filenames. [/li][li] Now run these commands [/li][/ul]

apt update
apt upgrade

[ul] [li] Relaunch Termux [/li][li] Then run [/li][/ul]

apt install nano nodejs git

[ul] [li] Now for the fun bits! [/li][li] Run [/li][/ul]

git clone
cd HENkaku-webserver/Nodejs
npm install request express

[ul] [li] Now edit the HENkaku-webservice.js file and change these two lines [/li][/ul]

nano HENkaku-webservice.js
# Change this line (Line 10) 
var localUrl = "";
# To this
var localUrl = "http://<ip-address>:1337/x"
# Where <ip-address> is the IP of your phone. You can find this in Settings > WiFi either by tapping the current network or Settings > WiFi > Menu > Advanced > Scroll to the bottom

[ul] [li] Now press Ctrl on the bar and press w. Nano will pop up a search box. Type in “app.listen” without the quotes and press enter. There will be the number 80 next to that. Change that to 1337, hit Ctrl again plus x, hit y, then hit enter. [/li][/ul]

Now if all went well all you have to do is run

node HENkaku-webservice.js

And point your Vita to http://<ip-address>:1337

What this also allows you to do is run a hotspot on the phone and connect the Vita to that network and exploit it. If using the built-in Android hotspot the phone is usually (Use that in place of the IP above)

EDIT: Also courtesy of /u/VitaType on Reddit. Big listing of what homebrew is currently available.


Are there any plans to update this for the latest version of TaiHen?

Haha, it has gotten much easier now and you have multiple versions to choose from (My long guide is no longer needed)

No plans to update the guide, tbh.

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Thanks for the lightning fast response! Amazing :smiley:

No problem! Glad I could help.

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