How to connect Retroarch 1.7.0 with PS3 controller?

Hi, I have installed Retroarch 1.7.0 on my iphone 4s (ios 8.3 jailbreaked). I also have BTStack and Controllers For All installed, and can use PS3 controller on other apps. But I can’t find the “Frontend” option anywhere.

I also created a frontend.cfg with the following contents:

ios_tv_mode = “false” ios_btmode = “btstack” ios_allow_portrait = “true” ios_allow_portrait_upside_down = “true” ios_allow_landscape_left = “true” ios_allow_landscape_right = “true”

and put it in /private/var/mobile/Documents/retroarch/ folder. But the “Frontend” option still doesn’t appear.

So is there a way to use PS3 controller in the new bulid or the only solution is to switch back to the old version? Thanks.