Lakka Wifi AP: connect directly to manage ROMs or configure via SSH

Recent versions of Lakka 2.0 have added support for a new wifi access point mode. This can be very convenient for connecting to the Lakka device directly via wifi in order to manage ROMs or access the commandline via SSH.

I had an opportunity to work with wifi access point mode a little bit when it was first added, but my current Lakka device is stuck on Lakka v1. I’m writing up these notes as an expansion on an entry in the Lakka wiki that I don’t believe many people have seen:

  • Step 1: Gain access to Lakka’s commandline through one of the conventional means.

  • Step 2: Create a text file called localap.conf containing the SSID and the password. The file should be located at /storage/.cache/services/. The password must be at least 8 characters. For example:


  • Step 3: Issue two commands: systemctl enable localap and then systemctl start localap

Would this be active every time I boot up? or do I have to do it everytime I boot up the system?