Trouble with Dosbox and ScummVM


Here’s some problems I’ve been having with these emulators:

When I try to run Jazz Jackrabbit CD in Dosbox a message appears saying “Cannot enable A20”. The games that do run I don’t know how to map the controls to my gamepad. The options only let’s me use button 1 and 2 that translate to the A, Z, S and X keys on the keyboard, but these Dos games usually use keys like Shift and Ctrl. And the D-Pad doesn’t work.

ScummVM works great except with Legend of Kyrandia games, which asks me for the kyra.dat file but I don’t know where to place it. I tried in the system folder and in the game folder and it still says it’s missing.

For mapping dosbox keys to your gamepad, load the core plus some content, go to quick menu > controls and then set the device type to keyboard. Exit the controls menu and come back (to force a refresh) and it should let you map the keys.

Dunno about the others. For ScummVM, can you post a log? it might give a hint as to where it’s looking for that file, though I would suspect it wants it inside the game archive…?

It only let’s me map the keys to the keyboard doing that.

And I followed the instructions on how to create a log but I unable to do it. Must be doing something wrong.

For the scummvm games go to scummvm website and they have all the .dats free to download…u need those in the game folders…there are several for different games

ScummVM still says the file is missing.

Try a different version of the game…I use android and had problems also …till tried everything and anything that worked on android…PC should be much easier though