iOS PCSX-ReARMed Memory Card issue

So basically I’m playing my alltime favorite RPG SaGa Frontier and I have problem with memory cards or with that they do not exist if I kill the app… I save my game, kill the app and after that I don’t have mem cards anywhere. I’m looking what files I have with iFile and there’s no mem cards even I created one sec ago :o I suppose this is not normal?

EDIT: Actually there’s SaGa Frontier.srm but when I launch my game it just says no data found etc…

RetroArch writes to SRAM (i.e., saves files) when it exits cleanly. If you kill the app without exiting the ROM cleanly, it will never write the saves to files.

Thanks for fast reply :slight_smile: I think this will will be answer for my problem!

EDIT: Is there any way to rescue those save files now?

Btw is it normal that I cannot launch my bios file with PCSX-ReARMed ? It just notifies Failed to lead game.

No, I believe those saves are lost forever :frowning:

By launching your BIOS, do you mean you want to get into the CD player menu, etc.? If so, I think that’s normal.

Yea that’s what I mean :confused: And yes getting into that menu and oki!

Thanks again :slight_smile: