1.3.4 Bugs

This release feels pretty similar to 1.3.3. Menu is still twitchy, and I still have to double tap the Home button to get into the menu. Per Core seems to be working, though I believe it worked in previous versions.

Olá eu estou usando o 1.3.3 com um controle playstation 3 via usb vale a pena colocar o 1.3.4 ou vai ficar na mesma, gostaria de saber se já suporta controle ps2 via usb e mais de um controle via usb, e se o FBA melhorou a compatibilidade principalmente nos jogos da Sega e Data East e no jogo Forgotten Worlds cps1 o botão start não funcionava.

Hello I’m using 1.3.3 with a playstation 3 via USB control worth putting the 1.3.4 or will stay the same, I wonder if it already supports PS2 via USB and control over a control via USB, and the FBA mainly improved compatibility in games from Sega and Data East and play Forgotten Worlds CPS1 the start button did not work.

Is there even a change log for this?

No. Some highlights on the front page but that’s about it.

Then why should people update to 1.3.4 when 1.2.2 is perfectly stable and without the save-state issues?