2048 - Playlist

Hello, I would like to create a playlist that only features the game: 2048.

I am following this tutorial: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/wiki/Manually-Creating-Custom-Playlists

However, the quoted code only points toward ROMs whereas 2048 is loaded completely from its core: 2048_libretro.dll .

(ROM Path)
(ROM Name)

I have tried the .lpl file with the following lines of code and some variations not displayed here:





I also tried copying the code in the content_history.lpl but to no avail.

Is 2048 playlist achievable? If so, how?

Thanks all.

I used the documentation from: http://www.lakka.tv/doc/Playlists/

Featured Example

/storage/roms/n64/Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).n64 
Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA) 
Nintendo 64 (Mupen64Plus) 
Nintendo - Nintendo 64.lpl


[ol] [li]The path to the ROM[/li][li]The display name, you can use any name here[/li][li]The path to the core, this libretro core will be used to launch the ROM[/li][li]The display name of the core, not really useful, we keep it there because the history list is also using this format[/li][li]Link to the database entry, in this case, the link is done by CRC, in some other cases, it is done by serial number. This information is optional, you can replace it by the word DETECT if you don’t care about database stuff.[/li][li]The name of the current lpl file[/li][/ol]

My working code is:


The only catch is that there is no stock icon for the 2048 game! As can be seen here: http://i.imgur.com/aifdKEX.png?1 If there’s anything available please let me know. SOLVED - created my own 2048 .png and inserted it in assets --> xmb --> monochrome --> png as suggested in this post: http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3711&p=26840&viewfull=1#post26840 They are attached should anyone want to use them. I did not create corresponding .svg files because the software used was paint.net .

I hope this thread helps anyone who wants to have a standalone playlist for game 2048.

I now have a new issue:

Whenever I play 2048 and exit [ESC] a save file in the .srm format is created outside the Retroarch directory.

By this I mean that if the below is RA’s directory:


then 2048.srm file is created in


Is there any option I can use to point the creation of this .srm save file within the Retroarch directory?

Thanks all.

Go to settings > directories and make sure your ‘save’ directory is set to something. The default is the same directory as your content but since you don’t actually load any content with that core, it’s putting it into the top directory.

If you want to preserve the content directory for other cores and just change it for 2048, you’ll need to use a core override config.

The following have not been edited or pointed to before so they were set as default by the system.

Settings --> Directory --> Savefile Dir --> D:\TorchDownloads\Retroarch\saves Settings --> Directory --> Savestate Dir --> D:\TorchDownloads\Retroarch\states

Thus, I manually created (through explorer.exe) a new folder renamed to 2048 in ‘saves’ and ‘states’ but the game still saved outside the root directory. Explorer.exe --> D:\TorchDownloads\Retroarch\saves\2048 Explorer.exe --> D:\TorchDownloads\Retroarch\states\2048

So the only remaining option is to use the core override config. However, I am having great difficulty setting this up. Following are the steps I have taken which have not yet resulted favourably.

In spite of all the settings I have tweaked (the below), I feel there is more to this than just creating and tweaking strings, files, and folders.

Can you please point me to a comprehensive guide to set up the core override config. I have gone through http://blog.andressm.org/new-retroarch-features-2/ but was unable to set the configuration right. As a matter of fact, I barely understood the blog’s contents.

On checking the below steps, is there anything that seems off? Is there something missing?

Thanks once again.

The steps I have taken are*:

Settings --> Configuration --> Save Configuration On Exit --> On Settings --> Configuration --> Configuration Per-Core --> Off Settings --> Configuration --> Use per-game core options if available --> On Settings --> Configuration --> Load Override Files Automatically --> On Settings --> Configuration --> Load Remap Files Automatically --> On

Settings --> Saving --> Sort Saves In Folders --> On Settings --> Saving --> Sort Savestates In Folders --> On Settings --> Saving --> Don’t overwrite SaveRAM on loading savestate --> Off Settings --> Saving --> SaveRAM Autosave Interval --> Off Settings --> Saving --> Save State Auto Index --> Off Settings --> Saving --> Auto Save State --> Off Settings --> Saving --> Auto Load State --> Off

Explorer.exe --> D:\TorchDownloads\Retroarch\config\2048\2048.cfg 2048.cfg --> savefile_directory = “:\saves\2048” 2048.cfg --> savestate_directory = “:\states\2048”

retroarch.cfg --> savefile_directory = “:\saves” retroarch.cfg --> savestate_directory = “:\states” retroarch.cfg --> savestate_auto_index = “false” retroarch.cfg --> savestate_auto_save = “false” retroarch.cfg --> savestate_auto_load = “false”

retroarch.cfg --> config_save_on_exit = “true” retroarch.cfg --> sort_savefiles_enable = “true” retroarch.cfg --> sort_savestates_enable = “true”

*…after reading through the following threads and sites: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libretro/RetroArch/master/retroarch.cfg http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3461&p=25390&viewfull=1#post25390 http://blog.andressm.org/new-retroarch-features-2/ http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5001 http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5572 http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4773&p=32579&viewfull=1#post32579 http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4912

You go into your Retroarch/configs folder and make a folder for each system you want to tweak. The name is usually the one in those core .info files, but… it can be tricky. Those are the ones I use and work:

final burn alpha
mednafen neopop
mednafen pce fast
mednafen psx
mednafen supergrafx
mednafen vb
mednafen wonderswan
tgb dual
vba next

In those folders you put a cfg file named after the system/folder. Like I made mupen64plus.cfg in the mupen64plus folder. (that’s retroarch/configs/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg just to be sure)

Then on the model of the retroarch.cfg (you’ve got in your main retroarch folder), you tweak the lines you want.

My mupen64plus.cfg is:

video_shader = ":\shaders\mupen64plus.cgp"
video_hard_sync_frames = "1"
aspect_ratio_index = "2"
input_load_state_btn = "nul"
input_save_state_btn = "nul"
input_toggle_fast_forward_axis = "nul"
input_player1_turbo_axis = "nul"

If that’s working, when you start a game with that core, “configuration override loaded” should be displayed on the bottom of your screen (OSD message in yellow).

The name is usually the one in those core .info files, but… it can be tricky.

display_name = "2048"
authors = "Gabriele Cirulli"
supported_extensions = ""
corename = "2048"
categories = "Game"
systemname = "2048 game clone"
license = "GPLv3"
permissions = ""
display_version = "1.0"
supports_no_game = "true"

You go into your Retroarch/configs folder and make a folder for each system you want to tweak.

DONE D:\TorchDownloads\Retroarch\config\2048

In those folders you put a cfg file named after the system/folder.

DONE D:\TorchDownloads\Retroarch\config\2048\2048.cfg

Contents of 2048.cfg:

savefile_directory = ":\saves\2048"
savestate_directory = ":\states\2048"

If that’s working, when you start a game with that core, “configuration override loaded” should be displayed on the bottom of your screen (OSD message in yellow).

No OSD message in yellow is not displayed when selecting and starting the game. The .srm is still saved outside the RA directory.

Thus, are my steps correct? Thanks!

The corresponding code from retroarch.cfg is:

savefile_directory = ":\saves"
savestate_directory = ":\states"

and yet, the save file ignores both the custom .cfg as well as the default retroarch.cfg and dumps the .srm file outside the RA root directory.

I think that this problem is somehow deeper than just the overrides.

Is there any solution for this odd behaviour?

Thanks all!

If there is no OSD message try to rename the override folder and cfg to “2048 game clone”. Perhaps that’s the name needed?

Renamed both to 2048 game clone but still no OSD message.

[QUOTE=Yrvyne;39082]I now have a new issue:

Whenever I play 2048 and exit [ESC] a save file in the .srm format is created outside the Retroarch directory.

By this I mean that if the below is RA’s directory:


then 2048.srm file is created in


Is there any option I can use to point the creation of this .srm save file within the Retroarch directory?

Thanks all.[/QUOTE]

Any help/ideas/suggestions on this particular issue? Thanks in advance.