Was wondering if there will be any Nightly Builds of the 3DS Port so people can see how it is progressing? Would love to see how Virtual Boy and a few other Cores are going
The buildbot doesn’t make 3DS builds at the moment, but I can ask aliaspider if he has a build he wouldn’t mind posting.
He mentioned the other day that the VB core works and is cool, but it runs at ~8 fps X0
EDIT: just spoke with aliaspider and he said it’s not in any shape for even testing right now, but maybe he’ll have something you guys can take a look at soon-ish.
OK cool. Was wondering because someone over at GBATemp was saying that the Official RetroArch VB Core was up to 50% Speed. But I guess he was just talking out of his Butt. LOL. Is he testing on a O3DS or N3DS? 3dsx and/or.cia?