3DS Nightly Builds to Test?

Was wondering if there will be any Nightly Builds of the 3DS Port so people can see how it is progressing? Would love to see how Virtual Boy and a few other Cores are going

The buildbot doesn’t make 3DS builds at the moment, but I can ask aliaspider if he has a build he wouldn’t mind posting.

He mentioned the other day that the VB core works and is cool, but it runs at ~8 fps X0

EDIT: just spoke with aliaspider and he said it’s not in any shape for even testing right now, but maybe he’ll have something you guys can take a look at soon-ish.

OK cool. Was wondering because someone over at GBATemp was saying that the Official RetroArch VB Core was up to 50% Speed. But I guess he was just talking out of his Butt. LOL. Is he testing on a O3DS or N3DS? 3dsx and/or.cia?