Demon Front (IGS - 2002)
This game is a shameless clone of the Metal Slug series of run and gun games but with a brighter feel, similarly beautiful pixel art, 60fps graphics and somewhat faster pacing. It’s definitely worth a try if you are a fan of the Metal Slug series.
The marquee and CPO here were contributed by @evil_jarrad (on insta) of Wizard Reproductions. He created this artwork for use on his own arcade cabinet for this game and I thought it looked really fantastic so I reached out to him to see if we could use it for this overlay. He was happy to share this so more people could use his work and I gave the marquee a facelift with a vectorized logo and smoothed out character art.
I was also lucky to find that MuckyFingers on one of the arcade forums had a high resolution scan of the english instruction strip for the game and he shared that with me as well.