Thank you @ArsInvictus I’m so glad you like the progress! What is so great about this front end is that it will support multiple list “displays”. Meaning we can have one display for all coin doors, and one for all CPOs.
The CPO’s look absolutely fantastic. They work great when the control stick is farther away from the screen, like if the TV was mounted in portrait mode on the wall. So it looks almost like a poster. Or if you have a pedestal arcade where the screen is farther away. But, if the control stick is right next to the screen, it can look a bit strange to have the CPO directly above it. This is where I think the coin door style shines. I found these somewhere on the Internet and photoshopped in the overlays for these examples. I think these might belong to @PapaShine ?
Here the double CPO is a bit crowded with the controls and screen so close in my opinion.
In this mockup, the presentation has much more room to breathe with the physical controls using the coin doors.
So the plan would be in theory, to slowly create coin door versions of all the overlays that are exclusively CPO for use in a close cabinet, like the pictures above.
The PSD files you supplied are perfect. Thank you again! I already have one modded and the color changed just for a test run. I think the only other PSD I might need would be a good verticle template. Kind of like cyberbots in completion. Meaning it has all the speaker variants and the ability to change the coin door area color. I think Raiden would work perfectly if the color was changed to red using the adjustment layer technique. Then colors could be swapped to whatever is best for the overlay.