I have been working on building an emulator using the all-too-common Raspberry Pi as the base. The friend who I am building it for is a huge N64 fan, and I would like to add it to the list of consoles which my emulator can run. Unfortunately, although the libretro-core for Mupen64Plus compiles with no errors (albeit many warnings), it fails to load using RGUI and causes a segmentation fault or “Could not use HW Context” when loaded with
./retroarch -L /path/to/core.so
. I’ve tried everything in my arsenal to get it to work, and I am well versed in the ways and workings of Linux.
Has anyone had success with any RetroArch/Mupen64Plus combinations? If so, how are they compiled, what commit did you use, and when did you make it?
If you can help me out, I would be happy to provide any information which you may need, I simply have not included it as I am not sure what to post.
Thank you very much, PyroAVR