I’ve made PBPs of my PSX games for convenience and to keep the folder clean and readable. I haven’t had to change discs in recent memory (usually just futzing around at the beginning of FFVII). But I wanted to try FF Chronicles. I’m having trouble getting Chrono Trigger which is on the second disc loading correctly. I was able to pause Retroarch, eject disc 1, load disc 2, and close the virtual tray. But FFIV keeps loading for some reason even when I reset the game.
I’m using ES-DE, the scraping of which is mildly botched (it wants one game or the other and doesn’t refer to the collection), but I’m 99% certain that shouldn’t be a problem.
If there’s a reference to this in the documentation, can I get a link. If it’s there I’m missing it.
edit: I’m content reorganizing my collection and stop using PBP if the format is troublesome.