Can you make the retroarch normal, aarch64 and staging apps different so we can install all 3 of them in one phone and be able to enjoy all the cores?
Because I’m using a Kirin cpu which can work with both aarch64 and the normal version of retroarch (I believe the “normal” version is armv7) and some cores miss in the normal version like dolphin but are in the aarch64…
Meanwhile some cores in the normal version have extra options that miss from aarch64
I don’t know what the staging app is and if devices with x86 have a different retroarch app or they just have the x86 cores in the automatic core updater. (Cause in the nightlies page I only see normal, aarch64 and staging builds and in the Google store I believe the normal version is installed because it has no dolphin core which would be in the aarch64 version)