A very noob multiple controller option?

I apologize in advance for this But I am having trouble figuring this out and retroarch can be intimidating.

I have an arcade cabinet, my CP works awesome for most emulators… But SNES PSX N64 etc all have analog making my CP in hyperspin not good for these systems.

I have an Xbox 360 wireless to use for these emulators. Is there a way to be able to use my 360 controller just for these systems, and continue with my other cabinet friendly systems smoothly? I run hyperspin and don’t want to go back and forth while playing in the cab.

Thanks in advance, I know I’m not the first to ask this, but I’m scratching my head on how to set these controls up.

Thanks Thenoob

When you connect your 360 pad, it should be auto-configured and steal the focus for P1’s inputs. When you disconnect it, controls will fall back to where they were before.