Ability to access SMB/CIFS shares within the app on android

I would be really useful if RA could do this natively. I have TB of files on my server that it isn’t feasible to move over to my android device. I really wish that you could mount it natively in android but sadly without root you cant. Having SMB/CIFS support built into the App would allow for a much more seamless user experience. I could have all of the ROMs visible and playable from my server. The android App could then only cache the ROMs that I actually load. It also mean that I could do things like sync save states. I could play a game on my phone while on the train and then get home and play it on my Shield TV or Computer. IT would be seamless. It could also be worked that settings could be saved on the server. I wouldn’t need to re-setup everything again whenever I connect a new device. This could all be managed centrally on the Desktop instance.