Access Core Options Without Game Loaded

@hunterk, can you code retroarch to be able to access core options without a game being loaded? If we get a shader crash or some crash that deals with resolution or anything else, we’re pretty much screwed to be able change things to make it not crash. And it becomes a pain searching for the options str8 from the txt, config, ini, etc files.

Unfortunately not. That’s a pretty fundamental thing. By the time it’s loaded enough to modify, it’s loaded enough to crash.

Well the vulkan issue with scalefx (as well as vulkan issues without it) renders certain cores useless with crashes everytime a game is loaded and it forces deletion of the config file or wastes time finding and editing cfg files. And you cant access internal resolution options to set rez to x1 to have it not crash. You also cant change the backends to prevent the crashes either because it crashes and you cant reach the options to do so. Thats fundamental? Being stuck with inoperability because a mistake cant be changed by the user to fix? What about non-tech savy users?

Don’t get me wrong, I would love to be able to edit core options before the core is loaded. That’s just not how it works. As it is, our options are all in plaintext files and that’s about as easy/safe as we can make it.