Accidentally loaded state, possible to recover game save?

I have been playing an old rpg using SNES balanced core. I did a couple save states when I started, then switched to just using the game’s built in save system. UPS guy came to the door and I put the controller down accidentally hitting the load state button (I had configured it to L2). Are my in game saves totally lost now? There’s no way to recover it? I’ve looked at some files but can’t make sense of them.

Not the worst thing in the world but I was pretty far into the game.


Unfortunately, it’s lost :frowning:

The SRAM is part of the game’s state, so when you load a state, it overwrites the SRAM, as well. However, there is an option (OFF by default…) in settings > saving to ‘Don’t ovewrite SRAM on loading state’

That option is genius. I’ve just enabled it. Thanks for the response.

lol actually I have been thinking about an “undo load state” (save a state just before loading, then load) and an “undo save state” to keep the previous state in a particular slot instead of it being overwritten. I can try to implement those on the weekend.

That could be cool. I’ve definitely had a few “oops” moments where that may have helped. :slight_smile:

If you have rewind enabled, then you should be able to rewind as well I’d think (within a certain time limit of course).