Add Content does not create a PSX game library despite scanning files

I just installed 1.2.2 and have it running well with GBA and SNES games, but for some reason I can’t get PSX games to show up. I have tried Add Content > Scan Directory > my PSX .bin/.cue directory, and I can see it is scanning files, but at the end of the scan there is no result, and no PSX library added. I have also tried Add Content > Scan File and then tried scanning a .cue file, and again I can see that it is scanning, but no PSX controller icon is added and there is no library created. I can run games without issue with Load Content > Select File and Detect Core and selecting a .cue file. I thought maybe the image file wasn’t named what is in the database, but when I changed the .bin and .cue file names to, for example, “game name (USA)” from the original names, it only crashes RetroArch. Is there something about PSX images I don’t understand? I am aware Mednafen only likes .bin/.cue files.

Any help is appreciated, thanks! Apologies if this is clearly answered elsewhere and I failed to locate it, I took a hard look first.

Well, I figured out why it was crashing anyway, when I renamed the .bin/.cue files, I hadn’t updated the file name inside the .cue file, so that makes sense to me.

I still can’t figure out why I can’t add PSX games via Add Content though.

“Add Content” does not support CD-based systems such as PlayStation yet. It is only scanning ROMs for ROM based systems.

RetroArch 1.2 – July 4 release kickoff

  • NOTE: Some programs right now might not yet have a database system in place to allow you to scan said content. Some of the current ones that still need to be addressed are MAME and CD-based systems such as the PlayStation. You will see this rectified in an upcoming RetroArch update.

Thanks for the response. I found this, which leads me to believe it is possibly on the way, or already present in the daily builds.

It looks like you can make an .lpl file to get it working at the moment, I’ll give that a shot. I know it is possible, because I saw someone post a screenshot with an unrelated issue that showed their PSX games displayed like everything else.

Scanning for psx files works for me in the nightly build (although multiple cd games are not yet added correctly, as the cue file instead of the m3u file is taken).

This is sadly still an issue in the newest stable version as well. M3U files are not loaded when scanning a directory. Is there a workaround?

open the lpl playlist file in a text editor and change whatever.cue to whatever.m3u.

Whenever a game is started via “Load Content” an entry is written to Couldn’t this entry also be written to the appropriate game system’s playlist (like “Sony -”) if not already present? So we would be able to create a library for every game system even if it is not supported by the “Add Content” feature including M3U files and ROM hacks.

and Im sadly afraid that even in 1.6 release psx libraries are still a pain to get sorted out not mention actually getting them to load with the psx cores.

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there should be no problems running psx games, if you are running latest nightly build of retroarch and use non-hw beetle_psx_libretro core. opengl(more so with vulkan) is tricky to run and depends entirely on hardware and software(gpu drivers etc)

if you cannot run psx in normal psx core, then something else is wrong not retroarch or core related.

whelp that’s what I thought at first until I realized also had the PCSXR emu installed on my pc as well and the games run fine with it…but for some reason they refuse to load on both the beetle psx and rearmed psx cores. would also like to point out that I have 2 4gb r7 370 gpus and an intel i7-4790

That doesn’t guarantee that they should work with beetle-psx. Beetle-psx requires properly formatted bin/cue pairs (or pbp images) and you need to have correct BIOS images with the correct names (case-sensitive). Load the core but not any content and go to information > core information to see if your BIOS images are correct and recognized. If they are, check your cue sheets to make sure that the files that are mentioned actually exist and have the exact same filename as what the cue is looking for. Cue and BIOS issues cause >90% of all problems people have with the non-HW core.

it says its missing the bios…I thought the cores were supposed to come packaged with the BIOS? Where do I put the BIOS file? also why does the info say scph5501 instead of scph 1001?

also would like to point out that I had persona 1 and 2 bin files stored on my phone and simply downloaded retroarch on my samsung galaxy s7 and didnt have to install a bios file for it cause they loaded right up… just thought Id point that out lol.

but now the games are working however i still cant get them added to a playlist

BIOS images are copyrighted files, just like ROMs, so we can’t distribute them or tell you where to get them, other than to recommend legally dumping them from your own console.

The core used on Android is PCSX-ReARMed, which has a built-in (buggy) HLE BIOS and is less picky about ROM formats than Beetle-PSX, which is the core that’s used on x86/64 platforms.

There is a bug in the 1.6.0 release that messed up scanning of PSX games that has been fixed in the nightlies. If your 1.6.0 installation is otherwise working, you should be able to just download a nightly package from and replace the exe files in your RetroArch directory with the ones from the nightly package.

oh how very…“fortunate” lol