Adding "areyousureyouwanttoexit" when exiting RA

Hi first post here, sorry if its a dumb question. Im making a console computer for the kids. I wanted to know if its possible to add a “Are you sure you want to exit?”. Im gonna add the exit via controller to the config, and an exit message would be nice ty for anyone with advice and i searched this and found no results…

I kinda like how RetroArch exits immediately, it feels fast and snappy, especially when i go through dozens of games. But i can see how some people would like it. So it should be optional IMO.

Im only doing it since children sometimes fight over the remote. We only have two for 3 children and if they accidently hit start and select it could potentially ruin progress. Its not a huge deal but for children they might decide to leave then instantly regret it or forgot to save or what not.

Yeah as an option that would be handy in certain cases.

It would completely destroy the pop-in/out feature of my Gam3B0x though if it was just that way all the time though.