Amiga with PUAE Having Problems with CD Audio

I’m having a problems with a couple of games with PUAE, specifically Speedball 2 and Xenon 2. Both are in cue/bin/mp3 format. All of the CD audio plays as loud static. It doesn’t affect my other CD games in the same format and all of them boot fine. Can anyone help? Thanks.

I’m running RetroArch on a Windows 11 X86 PC.

MP3 audio is not supported, and both of those games work fine here as raw BIN/CUE and as CHD. So most likely bad dumps.

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Thanks I’ll try converting them. It’ll be a bit of a double win if CHDs work.

Some mp3’s work so there is some mp3 support in PUAE even if it isn’t 100% reliable.

Edit: It seems that CHDMAN doesn’t like their MP3 files either, nor Microcosm’s. PUAE is fine with Microcosm’s MP3s though.

Edit 2: The games that do work have their audio in .WAV format. I will attempt to convert them and see how that goes.

There is no MP3 decoding enabled in the code though, so I have no idea how it could work at all…

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Yes it turned out that the games that did work had their audio in .WAV format. I’m making good progress converting the MP3’s to WAV and further converting the CUE/BINs to CHD.


All worked fine and all of my CD games are now converted to CHD. I am having a small problem with some games pausing when I press the A button. Does anyone know why this is happening?

Never had that happen. Make sure you are using the CD32 device type for CD32 games, since they expect that controller, and it can’t be forced as the default.

I made CD32 controllers default for device 1 and 2 for the Core and that seems to have fixed it.