[Android] Install a Core via USB?

Hi guys! Is there a way to transfer cores via PC > Android USB MTP on a UNrooted phone? I cannot change the default CORE folder in Retroarch and via USB I can’t access the folder who is set. Thanks for the help!

I’m having problems downloading the cores via Online Updater. If there is an alternative way, will help me a lot. Thanks!

You can download them from buildbot.libretro.com but you can’t add them to the /data/data/com.retroarch/cores directory without having root access.

Thank you @hunterk! I’ve recently discovered that disabling the IPV6 protocol in my router solves the problem. We just don’t know yet why…^^


Thank you @hericstrada ! I had the same problem on my FireTV. Thanks to your post i disabled IPv6 on the FireTV and the downloader worked like a charm. Seems there is a bug in RetroArch regarding IPv6.

Good it helped you @paddy! There is an open bug about it on GitHub, but I think you already know that! xD