Any chance of arm8-64 builds

Recently got a galaxy s6 and a lot of the cores seem to fc a lot or just don’t work at all. I suspect it’s because their not optimized for my cpu architecture but I could be wrong. Are there any plans for an arm8 optimized build

I could take a look later but the core choice might be poor Which cores are crashing?

It’s the psx cores. both mednafen and pc ax rearmed. all the builds I’ve tried including arm7 and Armabi both stable and several different testing. Mupen64+ is working but seems slower than it should be on such a powerful device. And I haven’t had the chance to try any others yet because I have some psx games I want to play so I have been focused on that.

My guess is that the 64-bit device isn’t working with 32-bit dynarecs. Try them in interpreter mode instead.

The mednafen psx crashes are almost always caused by BIOS issues. It’s extremely picky about which ones it will accept. I recommend loading up the core and then hitting the core info to see if it’s detecting and accepting your BIOS images correctly.

I believe they are correct bios only because they are the same ones I use on the desktop mednafen psx cores and its loads the bios fine it just freezes right after the PlayStation screen with the PS logo. The dynarec issue sounds plausible I will try when I get the chance thank you

They also need to be named correctly, and android is case-sensitive while Windows is not, so if that’s your desktop OS, it may just be that they need to be renamed to all lower-case.

Unfortunately they are already named correctly coming from Arch linux. I can’t seem to change core options at all in pcsx because it crashes as soon as it loads so if there is an option to change to interpreter I cannot get to it

you can put in core options manually by just typing them into retroarch-core-options.cfg. You can look at the one on your Arch box to see how they’re formatted, and the wiki (linked at the top of the page here) has a rundown of the core options available to (most of) the cores.

That’s what I was figuring I’ll have to mess with it to see if I can get it working. I would much rather use mednafen anyway but looks like that’s not gonna happen