Any help with how to play PS1 games on iOS 8.4 with RetroArch?Please?

First of all I feel sorry to everyone who have answer question like me multiple times.I don’t mean to interrupt everyone.So,if u guys can help?

I am having crush when i tried to play FFVIII on my iPhone 6 which was iOS 8.4.

May be i was doing wrong with configuration.I am sure of it. :’(

I searched all over the web,google and even this forum.But,I don’t quite understand all and having trouble and still crushing.

So,if anyone can help?Please?I want to play PS1 Games so much!!!

On my iPhone6 and my Mac=> ->iOS : 8.4 ->Jailbroken with PPJailbreak ->Already installed RetroArch from Cydia(from ZodTTD) ->Already installed iFile on my iPhone can enable Hidden File ->Have these BIOS on my Mac (scph1001.bin,scph5500.bin,scph5502.bin,scph7502.bin) and also have iExplorer and i can access my phone root ->Have “Final Fantasy VIII (E) (Disc 1) [SLES-02080].bin.ecm” which was 644MB

Also found this link from this forum : But i still don’t know how to configure on my iPhone root folder

Is there anyone can guide me step by step guides based on my current situation?I have tried file permission to all bios in .RetroArch hidden system folder.Still crushing So,lets reset lets go from the first?Any help?Please?Thank you

When does the app crash? Do you actually get to load the app?

Yeah i can load the RetroArch app.But,when i load content of Final Fantasy Disc 1 using PSX Rearmed,it crush.Can anyone tell me how to do step by step process to make the game play? Please Help?i really want to play so much from my iPhone.

That playstation core crashes on that stable quite often for some reason I couldn’t get anything to load on it either.

Install this version of retroarch.

Download the pcsx rearmed core within the app. And they will all run flawlessly.

That is the nightly version just packed into ipa

hi Gutless,I really thank you for sharing your ipa file of retroArch.Thank you

I am sorry i cant download the ipa from the link that u send,it said it doesn’t exist :frowning: can u share a file from dropbox?or sendspace?Thanks

But i do have a question,you said downlod the pcsx rearmed core within the app?What is that mean?

Is there any file that i have to install after i have installed your RetroArch ipa?Any instruction?please?

I want to play…;(;(;(;(;(;(;(

Your problem is PPJailbreak. backup your device then restore it to iOS 8.4. after restoring your device jailbreak it with taig jailbreak. Now you can jailbreak your device with mac or win. finally, install retroarch from cydia and have fun. Make sure ps1 roms or games have (bin or img) format.

hmmmm…is that the only way???I heard had bugs and error and they have fixed on nightly version.Please is there any other way?i don’t want to jailbreak again with TaiG because i heard TaiG have error ;( Help?

wait a second did you try any ps1 game??? i just reread your post i noticed something where retroarch crashes.

this is the rom you are trying to play it ““Final Fantasy VIII (E) (Disc 1) [SLES-02080].bin.ecm””" <= ecm is your problem. try to load any bin or img game to see if the jailbreak is fine with psx core. let me give you a hint most website that have FFVIII is on ecm format except (private message).

I got it now with the link freeroom that u gave to me,Thanks man…

But i have to choose core which was pcsx_rearmed_interpreter_ios.dylib instead of PlayStation1 (PCSX ReARMed). When i play with PlayStation1 (PCSX ReARMed),the RetroArch app crush. I do have some problem while playing the game,if u dont mind pls help.

1.(Save Problem) When i save final fantasy viii from game and close and remove from multitasking and open the app and run again,my save are gone.But i can use save state on retroarch config and when i load state the game was continue from the time that i close. 2.(Sound Glitch) While i was playing the game,the sound is not normal,i think every 5sec it a little glitch which is ok but is there any way to fix that? 3.(Config Problem) Every time i run the game,it comes with retroarch.cfg.i set my custom config but when i open the app,i have to go via directory and locate my config.When i load my config,i have to load my final fantasy viii.bin from “Load Content (PCSX-ReARMed) …” 4.(Graphic Problem) I set everything to enable or max like

  Enable interlacing mode(s)  -&gt;enabled
  Enhanced resolution (slow) -&gt; enabled
  Enhanced resolution speed -&gt; enabled

at Core Option,when i load my p1 game bin And Setting>Video Option> Vsync ->On Hard GPU Sync ->On Hard GPU Sync Frames -> 3 VSync Swap Interval ->4

When i set everything like that,the game is smooth and best graphic like before. but appear like this when i was at battle,and world map At world map - > u see a dark and white line between down arrow and left and right arrow At battle -> on Squal and Quantis progress orange bar,background is black and it glitches like black insertion.

I was playing on my iPhone 6 (16GB) that RetroArch ( seem version for iphone 5 and 5S i guess.i think nightly new version support for 6

Now I can confirm your problem is PPJailbreak. backup your device then restore it to iOS 8.4. Then jailbreak it with TaiG jailbreak before it’s too late. this issue happened with PlayStation1 (PCSX ReARMed) before:

Not working ------------------------------------------------------------- working

iOS 5.1.1-------------------------------------------------------- iOS 6.1.2 (evasi0n jailbreak) fixed it.

iOS 7.1 (pangu) with 64bit devices ----------------------- iOS 7.0.x (evasi0n7)

iOS 8.4 (PP Jailbreak)----------------------------------------- iOS 8.4 (TaiG Jailbreak)

Most of you issues (Graphic Problem, sound, lags etc.) from the interpreter_ios.dylib. At least try it on one of your iphone 5s or 6.

apple released iOS 8.4.1 and no jailbreak works on it. I’m not sure if you can still restore to 8.4

looks like i have to stuck here with pp jailbreak…;( Damn it Apple

you still have chance to restore your iphone to iOS 8.4

check this website it shows you if apple still signing the old iOS versions

you can also delete your jailbreak without using iTunes or going to iOS 8.4.1 there is a tweak in cydia is called Cydia Impactor check this video

after using this tweak you can jailbreak your iphone using TaiG jailbreak

looks like i still got chance…Thanks mrSevenX.I will try with TaiGjailbreak_V110.dmg that i downloaded from TaiG official Restoring my iphone 6 now…Thanks for helping me all the way…But,i still worry for taiG jailbreak error…;(

Cant make it out…;(;(;(;(

I am using TaiG V 1.1.0.dmg and i am jailbreaking from mac and got itunes 12.2.2 ;(;(

First i got 1001 error Second i got 1007…;( i wanna die…

Your problem with iTunes 12.2.2 try to remove it, then download an older version

Thanks for helping me all the way…I got it now… I can play with RetroArch Rearmed.Thank you sir

I got myself lucky that i have done restore my device with ios 8.4 from itunes in order to success TaiG Error success…

Thanks MrSevenX…Start from now i will help members who are stucking at the same problem like me.Thanks MrSevenX…I can play with Playstation ReARMed now…really fast and smooth…Thanks…

[Update] I did successfully jailbreak from iTunes 12.2.2. from my Mac TaiG.I dont know what exactly solve me.First i give and i was thinking restoring my iphone again and try jailbreak for last time.When it reach 20%,i enable AirPlaneMode from Control Center.It worked!!!

[Update] Graphic Problem still happening to me even i played with ReARMed.;(

SWEET! I just got a iTunes card code for free! :smiley: