Just wanted to say, good job so far guys. Once the F4 key issue is fixed, this will become the default 5200 core for everyone. And it should be added to the core updater list as well. The Atari 5200 RetroArch gap is finally filled with something good.
just push commit to bind A5200 F4 to button START.
I also need to seriously cleanup this core (when i look at the code one year later I found many ref of c64 core )
for ballblazer ,the correct crc is found wtih Ballblazer (1984) (Atari-Lucasfilm Games) [a1]
I am using Atari 5200 (Good5200 v2.01) where these roms come from, I am assuming that is where you were coming from. more than 1/2 of the roms in that set are BIN, not a52. Where do I set them to accept bin ?
And as the games that would not work, one of the examples I tried was Jr Pac-Man (1984) (Atari).a52 and this was a a52 file. Out of the 20 games I have in my 5200 folder, 4 of them are bin. Is it not auto-detecting the file type ?
And for the record robotron 2084 did not need a SPEICAL controller, it used the sticks from player 1 and 2.
Think Smash TV, used something like this in the arcade 2 sticks., same thing (smash tv was a fun game)
Odd… I also have the Good5200 2.01 set and all the roms are .a52.
Jr Pac-Man (1984) (Atari) [a1].bin is the correct crc that match.
For the bin , 2 choices, rename the bin to a52 then it will detect the crc or go to retroarch quick menu option and toggle the Autodetec A5200 cart type to on (but i will lead you to problem if you use this core also for loading atari800 bin, safe if only A5200 bin use)
Thanks, I’ll check it again… Is there a list of all supported games that you have in there with the correct crc ?
As I have the Good5200 2.01, for each game their is a 7z in that there is sometimes up to 4 (that I have seen) different versions of the game, as my general rule, I will always pick the higher version or the one with the (!) (perfect tested rip) before any other.
So, it’s possible a handful of games is a (Rev 2) and they don’t match your crc.
Just waiting for a up of the newest one where you replaced F4 with start so I can start playing and I will update/test roms as need.
they are the same like in mame/mess , the crc is based of this mame hash.
at least for robotron 2084 ect, i can add an option to use butt joy0 acting like butt joy2. if this makes sense
That just confuses me even more, as every file in that list ends with a bin. Anything on here is based off a52 games.
Not sure it does for me. I own the original cart and the adapter needed. It used all controls off Player 1 port and used just the stick off player 2.
Or maybe I just don’t understand your terms, as I am not a programmer.
Latest commit for windows_x64: http://www.mediafire.com/file/e93cdq9qhscceo4/atari800_libretro_x64(2).zip commit 0fc0689 - bind F4 to start in A5200 mode
Thanks for the “click” but this is now outdated. get an official core is already available in Core Updater.
Is there something we need to configure to make the start button work? It’s still not working for me here.
In quick menu go to control and instead of retrop choose atari joystick
Agreed, just downloaded it, replaced my old one and tested, The start button does exactly what it did before, nothing.
I don’t see any change here.
Still grabbed a bunch of other roms and tried them, still don’t play. out of the 20 or so games I have, maybe 4-5 play.
Thanks, it worked now.
there is no way to know why it does not play without showing debug logs to know how these roms are being loaded… there are lots of roms out there, unless we agree to use nointro dat and verify with clrmame(which i did just to make sure my roms are verified playable-which means my roms are headerless which the auto-loading 5200 will likely detect),
urgh… /20 characters
OK, Sorry for a few of my posts here. I missed a few facts. Anyway, moving on…again, sorry
So, I expanded my collection to 35 5200 roms. I Checked the settings and renamed them all to a52. Most of them didn’t work. so I checked the settings in RetroArch and I saw the setting to AutoDetec the 5200 game, I turned it on and then tested…
So, out of my 35 games, I found that 6 games didn’t work (WOW), so I checked the roms and of course if you have Good5200 v2.01, you’ll find that each rom is 7z with 2-5 roms, so extracted the games that didn’t work, and I tried a different rom one by one… and I got them working !
There is a few issues with the roms just glitch of the games… just some strange issues on a FEW games, I"ll have to look for newer versions of the roms for these 2-3 games. It’s not the emulator, it’s the game itself (assuming)
Now if there was anything I could complain about, when I start a rom, it has a black screen…all of them, then I need to hit the “B” button on my remote and the rom boots…but, a very minor thing.
Thanks again !
I had this behavior with Ballblazer. I replaced the ROM and now it’s fixed.
You probably need to find other ROMs, i don’t know where you got yours from. Maybe try the No-Intro set. Or the “hyperspin ready” one.
Every one of my roms come from 5200 GoodSets v2.01 (I have said this a few times on this thread), I had a collection of other 5200 roms and deleted them as it seems these are the tested ones here.
I guess it’s not a big deal as long as the rom works with no issues. There are a few that just have odd issues, like Pengo, if you start a game, you get moved right ino a wall and cant do anything…
A few cases like that but, now to get my meta data fixed and it should be good at this point (a Robotron 2084 option for dual sticks would be nice)
If someone interested , this is the last atari800 core for android ( 4 and 5).
Thank You
Any guide how to get it to run? I’m using 1.4.1. Tried using the Virtual Keyboard but it doesn’t work, pressing the vk ends up with a black screen